𝟏𝟏| Hidden Surprises

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The world he knew shifted on an entirely different plane, never to be seen again. Sasuke had gone through many transformations throughout his life but this, by far, had physically altered everything his body thought to be true and reprogrammed it with information he had to learn all over again.

His body was in a lucid state, constantly gravitating in and out of consciousness. He could hear and see things that would only ever appear when he was high. The sound of a voice that talked to him conversationally, though, he was unable to retain any information about who the person was and what they were saying. All he knew was that he enjoyed the company and was relaxed enough to not force himself away. He could see the stars in the night sky, the sound of water crashing into an expanse below, the occasional breeze that felt like a feather-touch against his cheek, and a warmth that threaded itself through his fingertips and caressed the palm of his hand.

There were two times he thought he was going to awaken but it'd been hindered by an obstacle. The first time, he physically couldn't handle the shift he had undergone, and his body had forced itself to shut down in order to recuperate without energy being wasted unnecessarily. He felt weird sensations such as the weight of a thousand boulders against his chest and an unrelenting fire that made him feel like he had taken a trip to hell too early. There was also something else that corresponded with the feeling of his body being torn apart, something that was desperately trying to escape past the barriers of his skin while also acclimatising to its new environment.

The second time, it was a feeling he was all too familiar with— anger. A reaction to something he had seen that made him feel such irrevocable rage. This time, his unconscious state hadn't been the result of his lack of preparation, but rather an outside force that had forcibly subdued him. All he knew was that he wanted to tear it apart, piece by piece, even if it meant tearing himself apart in the process.

He'd seen small glimpses of his surroundings. A compact, square room with seals obscuring every inch of the walls and even the floors, and he knew that those seals were the reason as to why he physically couldn't move his limbs. There was also this familiar feeling that accompanied him throughout his rest, a shot of electricity that would trickle through his veins. The energy he felt was strangely alive and animated and filled with everything he once had. An influx of emotions that weren't his own and he knew it didn't belong to him and yet somehow he could feel it as if it were his own, and in an unusual way, a part of him understood why it felt the way it did. As if the feeling was sentient, alive.

The vessel it was confined in was being completely rewired. Everything he thought that he knew had been erased and the world around him was only something that existed among many other worlds around him. Within each breath, he realised the transience of human life and how seemingly insignificant everything was. At the same time, with every breath he inhaled, another exhaled. With his own eyes, he saw how existence came to be and how every breath meant something entirely different from the last. He didn't only see it, but felt it, he knew that the power could only be his.

But this new level of understanding did nothing to make him regret his actions over the last couple of years. The countless lives he had taken and would continue to take so long a soul had the misfortune of meeting him. After all, it was his own curse that everyone he had ever met would only become yet another soul taken away.

At last, Sasuke awakened.

And when he did, a part of him regretted it, it was as if he was alone all over again and the warmth lulling him into a restful slumber had ceased to exist. Sasuke had forgotten what it felt like to not be alone and now the dying flame rekindled along with a sharp ache in his chest, as if every breath was collateral and the more time he spent awake- the more damage that would ensue.

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