Olivia met up with Amaya in the throne room
Amaya: there you are Olivia
Olivia: hi mother so what did you want to talk to me about?
Amaya: I wanted to tell you I think your ready for your coronation to officially become Princess
Olivia: wait what? But it's only been a few months since Magnifico was defeated
Amaya: I know but you've grown so much in that small amount of time. f you want to wait I understand but think about it first alright?
Olivia: alright
She hugged her mother
Olivia: thanks mother
Amaya hugged back
Amaya: your welcome Olivia. Are you alright?
Olivia: yes I'm alright
Olivia arrived in the kitchen to talk to her friends
Olivia: I'm so not alright! my mother thinks it's time for my coronation to become princess!
Asha: we're so happy for you Via! You shouldn't be nervous
Gabo: hang on weren't you always the princess?
Olivia: well yes but now I will have more royal duties
Dario laughed a little bit and Gabo facepalmed
Olivia: I still can't believe this! I only just turned 16!
Dahlia: Via we all know you can do it
Bazeema was right behind Gabo
Bazeema: we all believe in you
Gabo: AH! You still do that?
Dahlia: you just have a hard time believing in yourself
Olivia: you're right it's just the truth is... I'm scared I'll become like my father
Asha: there's no way-!
Gabo: you're nothing like him!!
Everyone was surprised Gabo suddenly yelled
Olivia: Huh?
Gabo: Olivia you saved Rosas and freed star! If that's not being a hero I don't know what is
Dario: Aww!
Olivia blushed a little bit
Olivia: thank you Gabo and all of you. I know what I'm going to tell my mother
Asha: remember no matter what we're all here for you!
She nodded then left the kitchen and ran outside
Gabo: Good luck!
Hal: I'm happy you and Olivia are together now!
Gabo: What?! No! I mean we're more than friends but not dating!
Simon woke up from sleeping on the table
Simon: ...what did I miss?
Olivia walked in the center of Rosas and greeted all the people
Olivia: I will smell that
salty breeze blowing
through the air I hear
those ships as old as
a board it meets old
board I breathe in a
place I live and then
wonder so what else
can I give this home
my home wandering
through Rosas with
everyone doing their
stuff but somewhere
in my heart I feel I've
not yet done enough
for the people I know
this place that I love
so it's my home my
homeOlivia saw Amaya talking to the other townspeople and walked up to her
Olivia: Mother!
Amaya: Olivia! you seem excited
Olivia: I am because I thought about what you said and you're right I'm ready for my coronation
Olivia: Mother!
Amaya: Olivia! You seem excited
Amaya: that's wonderful to hear. If you want we will get started tomorrow
Olivia: I would love that
Amaya: good but for now let's head back to the castle it's starting to get late
Later that night Olivia walked onto her balcony that was apart of her room
Olivia: take it from me
when your hopes are
in despair and If your
desires have strings
feed them give them
some air cause any
wish that's got your
heart on the edge of
breaking it is a wish
worth making so I'll
make my wish to be
ready for this so I'll
make my wish to be
ready for this!The second star to the right glowed really brightly
This Wish
FanfictionMeet Olivia who is king Magnifico and queen Amaya's daughter. She is Asha's close friend and wants to help her save Rosas even she has to stand up against her own father