The awkward dinner

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The student six and Steven are having dinner with the changelings.

Smolder:"Say are these food for changelings?"

Thorax:"That's right Smolder. Why? Do you eat something else?"

Smolder:"Well yeah. We dragon love gems. We find those tasty."

Thorax:"Well if that's what you want, then I guess so."

Pharynx:"I'll be right back."

Pharynx was heading out to give Smolder gems just for her to eat.

Gallus:"So can we talk about the elephant in here?"

Sandbar:"What do you mean Gallus?"

Gallus:"Oh come on. You already know what I mean Sandbar."

Yona:"Yak got confused about what happened today."

Silverstream:"Yeah Steven got weird lately."

Ocellus:"Steven the husky seems to be hiding something from Smolder. I just know it."

Steven:"I have not!"

Smolder:"Have so."

Pharynx:"You wanna try her and find out husky?"

Thorax:"Pharynx not too rough with him."

Pharynx:"Well I guess we got crazy on each other as brothers Thorax."

Thorax:"Yeah I agree with you Pharynx."

Ocellus:"That's what brothers do."

Gallus:"Going crazy on each other."

Steven:"Oh boy."

Smolder:"Hey there's nothing to hide Steven. You can tell my anything."

Steven:"I just can't!!!"

Thorax:"Guys can we just eat?"

Yona:"Husky no confess? Yona confused."

Pharynx:"He is hiding something from Smolder."

Silverstream:"That's probably something that I said earlier Pharynx."

Thorax slammed his hooves on the table to get them stop.

Smolder:"Okay okay. Sheesh!"

Thorax:"Hey Pharynx sorry for trying to get up and acting crazy with you. I was just trying to convince you."

Pharynx:"Yeah sorry for being hard on you Thorax."

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