chapter four

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3x13 "Pinned"


"Are you in charge here?"

We were responding to a call located in the back of a local bowling alley, where the manager had apparently gotten her arm stuck in the bowling pin mechanism.

"I guess." The boy at the front counter shrugged.

"Thank god you're here!" Another boy appeared, clearly distressed, "She's this way. Okay- her name's Arlene Branson, she's the owner. She was working on lane five when the pin setter came down on her. I wasn't sure what to do, so I shut off the power to stop it from cycling again but I didn't think I should move it until you guys got here."

"You did exactly what you needed to do, kid." I tried to calm him down as we got to the back of the alleys.

"Arlene?" Hen called out, walking closer to the woman, examining her arm. Buck, Eddie, and I climbed up on top of the setter to get a better view of the machine.

"Garrett?" She called out to the boy. He shuffled nervously on his feet, just out of the way of all the chaos.

"It's okay Arlene, I'm here. These people are gonna help you, okay?"

"I got a compound fracture, more outside than in! Pulse is very weak." Chimney informs Hen.

"She's lost a lot of blood. Let's get fluids going."

"All right," Bobby turned to the employee, "Do you know how to move this thing? How to release it?"

The boy shook his head, "Not really. I've only watched Arlene do it."

"M-Manual..." Arlene slurred under her breath.

"Right! Manual release... which is here somewhere..." Garrett began looking for the mechanism.

"We could take it apart, piece by piece," Buck suggests, staring down at Hen and Chimney working.

"I'm not sure what that's gonna do for her arm," Eddie mumbled.

"Here! Put this in the back, then turn it." Garrett handed off a lever to Eddie, who went to the back of the machine to follow his instructions.

"Blood pressure's dropping." Hen spoke, taking off her stethoscope.

I handed Chimeny an IV from his bag, "Pushing fluids through."

"I'll get a tourniquet, tie the arm, and get her out." Eddie reappeared from his task.

"I don't know if that's gonna work. Right now, this cross brace is the only thing that's holding her arm in place. The minute you move it, she's gonna bleed more."

Jinxed (Evan Buckley)Where stories live. Discover now