♡Double date♡

105 1 0

*Time skip to Next Friday*

*Btw it's 12 o'clock* 

Nick: Mum if you've got time could you please Iron me this top if you don't mind!! *Smiles* 

Sarah: Of course I will Nicky were are you going? 

Nick: Um I'm just going out with- 

David: *Stands in the door frame* Probably going out with all of Charlie's gay friends *Laughs*   

Sarah: David knock it off right now.. 

David: God knows how he's gonna tell dad that he's gay..

Nick: Fuck sake I'm N.O.T gay I'm bi actually just piss off.

Sarah: David stop it now.. 

David: Well it's true isn't it! *Grins* 

Nick: Stop being a homophobic Dickhead I'm going upstairs to get ready. 

*Nick goes upstairs*

Nick: as I'm getting my T-shirt on I hear my phone ring.. I realise Charlie is calling me. 

*On call N- Nick C-char* 

N: Heyy you alright Char? 

*Charlie mumbles something and someone starts screaming and breaking things* 

C: S-Sorry I'll- I'll be back in a minute I just need to go do something. *Mutes* 

N: it's okay don't worry! 

*Meanwhile at Charlies house* 

Jane: CHARLIE YOUR SUCH A DISSAPOINTMENT *Throws some glass at Charlie and a book* YOU MAKE ME SICK!!

Charlie: B-But m-mum.. 

Charlies dad: Jane calm down.. 

Jane: Shut up I'm going out... 

Charlies dad: Okay.. 

*Charlies dad leaves his room* 

*Charlies bursts out crying and unmutes himself* 

C: Um... N-Nick I'll s-see you on are date Um I've.. I've got to go. *sniffles* 

N: Charlie are you okay! 

C: Ye.. I'm fine see you in a bit. 

*The call ends and Charlie gets ready* 

Charlie: I feel so so ugly.. and-and it hurts, Nick will never love me no one will.. as I just finished getting my Jumper on I hear the door ring, I shoot down stairs to see who it is.. it's Nick looking as perfect as ever when I open the door. 

Nick: Heyy Charr you look beautiful *Smiles* 

Charlie: T-Thank you *blushes* so do you. you look wonderful *Smiles back at Nick* 

Nick: Yourr so so hot Charlie spring *Raises arm to go to hug Charlie* 

Charlie: *Flinches*  *Looks down at the floor* Um..Uhh thanks Nickolas Luke Nelson!   

Nick: No worries it's okay *Holds Charlies hand gently* are you sure your okay you seem a little bit on edge we don't have to go if you don't want too!! 

Charlie: It's alright I don't want to spoil today I'll be fine Nick. 

Nick: Charlie promise me that you'll tell me when your struggling to eat or just feeling down in general I'll try and help you and try to make it a little easier *Kisses Charlie* 

~𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒌 & 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒆 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔~Where stories live. Discover now