Empires season 1

353 6 44

Jana: Anyway, that's his life done, now to the next one.

S1: Is it my turn? I get the feeling it's my turn.

Jana: Yes, it's your turn. (The screen played the clips of Scott meeting the other emperors at spawn and starting his empire of Rivendell on the mountain.)

DL(Shocked.): Wait, you're an emperor?

S2: Yeah, same here.

NL: Wow.

WC: You're an elf?

S1: Did you not notice my elf ears?

Everyone: No. (The screen played the clip of Scott setting up his export of wool.)

NL: Export?

S1: Your empire is supposed to have its own exports. You use those exports to trade for other exports, and other than the occasional diamonds it's the only form of currency. Other emperors aren't allowed to make automatic farms of your export unless they want to start a war.

NL: Oh.

S2: Yeah, I remember Lizzie and fWhip nearly caused a war when they made a gunpowder farm despite Jimmy having the export because he never had any gunpowder in his farm whatsoever.

DL: We never got around to making a gunpowder farm in my life. Or any automatic farm now that I think about it. Lack of resources and time.

WC: Naming the fake sheep so they don't 'die'?

S1: What? I wanted to leave my mark on the other empires. (Then the screen played the clip of Scott making his bee house.) Now, before you ask...

S2: It looks like a pineapple.

S1: Yeah, I know. But the Archie's live in style, so I don't mind.

WC: Honey's not even your export, why all this trouble for bees?

NL: I had a friend who was a bee. (Everyone stared for a second.) What?

DL: Bees are cute.

WC: Well, yeah, I guess all of us find cuteness to be the most important thing ever.

NL: You care about being cute?

WC: What? Just because I dress up in black doesn't mean I don't care about cuteness!

Jana: I'm pretty sure all the versions of Scott care about cuteness. Every other word out of your mouth is 'cute' these days.

Everyone: What?

Jana: Nevermind. (Then the screen played clips of some of Scott's builds, including the Aeor statue and Rivendell banner, and the elven village.)

NL: What's with the deer insignia?

S1: We worship a deer god, Aeor.

WC: Deer are pretty symbolic for elves...

DL: Why are the villager's noses small?

S1: That's just what it's like in Rivendell.

S2: Villagers can look different in various empires.

WC: I've seen my fair share of strange-looking villagers.

NL: Yeah, me too.

DL: Guess I'm the boring one...

Jana: Don't say that. (The screen played the clip of Scott finding out that corruption was leaking out of his nether portal toward his enchanting tower.)

NL: What's with that nether portal?

S1(Grimly.): Corruption.

WC(Echoing.): Corruption? (Then the screen played the clip of Shrub Berry meeting Scott.) Shelby!

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