This is a Star Wars fanfic where instead of Yoda assigning Ahsoka as Anakin's Padawan, he breaks the Jedi code and gives him an additional one. This story will follow the plot of the clone wars show and movie. Some events may be changed slightly or...
I walked into the dojo, Ahsoka was preparing for one of the frequent assessments. Waving to Caleb Dume and Master Billaba. I took my seat on the benches that Master Yoda, Mace Windu, his Padawan Hallo Cohl, and Master Plo sat on. I sat next to Master Kenobi.
"I see you've arrived at the proper time, unlike your Master." Obi-Wan whispered to me.
"You know Master, Anakin tells time 15 minutes late." I giggled.
We watched as Ahsoka was against 3 of the floating training droids. She only had her shoto blade out. "Why doesn't she use both of them?" Hallo whispered to me.
"Because she's showing off." I smiled.
"You don't seem that impressed, like your comrade?" Mace Windu said.
"Master Skywalker," Master rushed in almost as on queue. "He gives us much more...untraditional assessments than this."
"Are you calling our assessments underwhelming?" Mace Windu crooked his brow.
"No of course not Master, I'm just saying this is far too easy for someone at Ahsokas level."
"Perhaps we could do with renovations to our training assessments." Master Plo chimed in.
"Raise the difficulty, we may need." Master Yoda said. "Tell young Skywalker an earlier time, we should." He joked.
"Sorry Masters, I thought I'd make it on time." Master took his seat next to me and Obi-Wan.
"These things bore me." Master whispered.
"Agreed." I whispered back. "Look at Ahsoka, she's bored out of her mind."
Ahsoka deflected the droids shots back at then, and even struck a few. Once the test was done everyone was dismissed.
"I hope I can be like you!" Caleb said to Ahsoka before leaving with his Master. Ahsoka smiled and gave him a few words of encouragement.
"I have an assignment on Felucia with Master Plo." Master said. "You two are coming."
"You hear that?" I looked at Ahsoka, "No more sneaking on missions." Ahsoka rolled her eyes at me.
We were in deep droid territory, fighting Grievous, per usual. Stationed outside an outpost, we needed to come up with a plan to quickly take it over, since the outpost had gained droid reinforcements.
"Droid reinforcements have just arrived." Said Master Plo, looking through his binoculars. "We shall break into three groups to divide their defenses. I'll take the the left flank, Skywalker take the front gate. Ahsoka, you and Liyah will scale the back wall. We'll meet in the middle."
We all agreed. "Okay, scouts," Master addresses some Felucian soldiers, "find me a way down there...quiet-like."
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"Going through the front gate won't be easy." Ahsoka smirked.
"Ah, you have it tougher going over that wall." Master said.
"Master, you have taught us well." I chimed in.
"The both of us together, can handle anything." Ahsoka grinned and started heading to our position.
"Don't get cocky!" Master called out.
"Don't worry, Master, I'll make sure we're level headed." I giggled with Ahsoka.
Through the forest Ahsoka stopped us from pushing ahead. "Do you sense that?" She asked me, stopping our troops.
"Is it a droid?" One of our Clones asked.
"No," I replied. "I think it' animal?"
"Yeah, come on, we gotta get to that wall."
"Stay aleart men," The sergeant said, "let's move."
We took cover behind some the fauna when Master Plo transmitted me through my communicator. "Skywalker, Liyah, are you in position?"
I looked to Ahsoka who surveyed the wall. She nodded, "We're in position." I replied to Plo Koon.
Our auxiliary began firing, causing the mass of droids to attack from the front, towards Master. Ahsoka gave the troops the go ahead to shoot down the droid sentries on the wall.
"Comet, Sinker, Boost, get up there!" She ordered the clones to get to the wall. She lit both her lightsabers, I followed suit and lit both of mine. She was looking to the forest, something was lurking.
"We're all clear commanders! Come on up!" Comet said from above the wall.
"We'll be up there shortly, go ahead!" I ordered him.
"Who are you?" I heard Ahsoka shout at someone. I turned around and a reptilian man had an electrified net gun. Before either of us could react he fired, electrocuting me and Ahsoka unconscious.
"Liyah, Ashoka state your location. Are you there? Can you hear me? Are you together?" I awoke to next to Ahsoka, hearing Masters voice.
Looking at my surroundings, I was in a cage. "Where could they be? Where did you last see them?" I looked at my gauntlets and my communicator was off. Ahsoka was shaking the cage to no avail.
"Looks like you wrote be needing these." A Trandoshan man smashed out communicators with his hands. He cackled and walked away.
"Hey, what is this place? Who are these pirates?" Ahsoka asked the boy who was across from us in another cell.
"These are Trandoshans." He said. "They're going to release us and hunt us down for sport."
"Hunt us down?" Ahsoka groaned and looked at me. "What are we going to do?"
I pondered for a second. "We could mind trick the next one that comes in here." I said.
"Where's our light sabers?" Ahsoka reached for her belt.
My heart dropped when I felt my belt and couldn't find mine. One of my lightsabers was one of the last things I had to remember my father by.
"You're Jedi?" The boy across from us asked. Ahsoka nodded.
"They don't collect your weapons." He sighed. "They're probably where you left them."
I could feel the ship moving, from being in space so long, I could tell we entered hyperspace.