"Grab your Mud Balls now!" Everyone shocked at my order, hesitates before doing so. Victreebel then moves towards us.
It must smell the extra food from the others!
Victreebel then uses its Vine and grabs ahold of Gloria and her bag. Gloria: "Gah?!" The Dad and George then run forward. Victreebel then hangs Gloria over its mouth. Her bag slips out of Gloria's hand. "Ben! Use Ice Beam!" Ben uses Ice Beam and freezes Victreebel solid and Gloria escapes it's grasp. The Dad: "You good honey?!" Gloria: "Y-yeah." Gloria looks down at the others. George: "Dragonair you ok?" Dragonair nods and slithers our way. Gloria gets off the Victreebel and in time as Victreebel breaks out of its frozen condition. George: "Ethan?" "Ben return. Pixy Roar!" I send out Pixy and she lets out a Roar sending Victreebl flying into the river.
Gloria: "This isn't safe here! Lets go guys!" Vee shakes her head and stops them in their tracks. "Vee is right. Victreebel may jot be the only agressive pokemon out here." The family look at eachother. I turn back around and feel Victreebel wrap its Vine around my legs. "Crap!" I get dragged along the floor as I recall for something to grab. "Oh forget it! Pixy use Iron Tail!" Pixy leaps above me and slams her tail into the Vine. The Vine lets go of me and Jerks away. Victreebel looks at me mad and charges forward. Victreebel then uses Sleep Powder. I dodge, but Pixy doesn't. "Return-"
"We have to run now!" The others run away and I follow behind. I gotta think of a way to stop it. I jump as the Victreebel then tries to trip me.
I look back and it gets closer and closer. Dang it, Dang it, Dang it!
"Vee use Buzzy Buzz!" Vee sends her bolt at Victreebel. Victreebel dodges it and continues to charge at us. George starts to slow down, and I end up catching to to him. George: "*Huff* Is it close?" I simply nod. I then reach into my bag and dump the Mud Ball behind me. Victreebel gets hit many times and stops for a few seconds. "Ah-ha!" Now with time I send out Max. "Max make a wall around George!" I then call out to the rest fo the family and they run back. "Quickly get in!" We all get into Max's Invisible Box, and when Victreebel uses Razor Leaf, it gets blocked. We are safe at last.
"Thank god we have everyone here..." We watch as Victreebel attacks the wall (which does nothing). Then we all freeze as we see Vee casually walk from behind Victreebel, looking at us confused.
"Vee!?" George: "I hope Eevee is ok..." I bang in tbe wall trying to get her attention. "She will be... we just need to beat this Victreebel." Vee turns around and smiles. Ok, she heard us. We then see Dragonair loom over Victreebel with a fierce glare. Victreebel sees its shadow and turns behind. Dragonair then slams its tail onto it and Victreebel nefore wrapping around it. At this point me and the family just watch Dragonair destroy Victreebel in battle.
But then, Victreebel uses Vine Whip and hits Vee. Dragonair goes to turn to Vee, worried for her friend and then gets hit by a Acid attack. Dragonair flinched and then gets hit by Victreebel's slam.
Gloria: "Ooh..."
"What a day today has been..."
George: "Go Dragonair go! Go Dragonair go!"
Vee then runs forward and uses Helping Hand. With the power from Vee, Dragonair uses Slam back, countering Victreebel's attack. Victreebel slams into Max's invisible wall and we all jump back.
"Vee use Quick Attack!" I shout as loud as I can and I see Vee nod at me before helping out with Dragonair.
After a while, Victreebel flees. We all cheer for Vee and Dragonair, who turned out being our savior. Gloria: "What a strong pokemon." I pick Vee up. "Don't ever get left behind ok?" Vee wags her tail and grins. George: "Thank you Dragonair." Dragonair looks at George and nods. "I think it accepted you as its friend." I see George's eye twinkle. George: "Dragonair! I choose you to be my partner!" George pulls his Ultra Ball out and shows Dragonair. George: "I know you don't know me all that well but i do know you took some damage from that battle. Come with me and i can help you get healed up." Dragonair blinks and looks at Vee, who nods. Dragonair then taps the Ultra Ball.
Shake, Shake, Shake... PING!
George freezes for a second before shouting happily. George: "I got a Pokemon!" "Congrats." Gloria: "It's now your responsibility for now on." George turns to his mother and beams. "Well then. I guess we should leave. You after, you did tell Dragonair you were gonna heal it." The Dad: "That makes sense."

Ethan's Pokemon Journey!
FantasyFinally! It's the day, 10 year old Ethan had dreamed of since he was a little kid. He finally gets to become a Pokemon Trainer! Thinking that his journey will be easy, he sets off to explore the Kanto Region. But he soon realizes the harsh reality o...