Jeonghan is absolutely running around, why ? Because he's preparing the hall for Seungcheol and Chan's guests at their wedding, and everything has to be perfect and beautiful. He's the one with the pressure on his shoulders, but he's also the one who wanted to do it because he appreciates his two friends so much.
The young man sighs, looking around the room, completely satisfied with the colors and choices he's made. His boyfriend Joshua joins him and looks at the room, he thinks it's beautiful, he's completely blown away by the work his lover has done.
" Jeonghannie ! It's sublime."
" My Joshuji ! Can you do me a favor ? "
" Yes, what is it ? "
" Plug in the computer and check that my little video is working please. "
Joshua smiles and nods, he goes straight to plugging in the computer, and watches the video, this one is wonderful and makes him smile even more, the work done by his boyfriend is sublime as usual no disappointment.
The American unplugs the computer, and returns to his best friend, then all the other boys arrive and they all have the same reaction - it's magnificent.
" Seungcheol and Chan are going to be happy, you know all about them it's going to be a perfect wedding. "
Jeonghan smiles softly and sighs pleased with himself, then looks at the clock and sees that it's time for them to go to the church to get married, Jeonghan takes his boyfriend's hand and asks him to come with him to their home so he can shower and change.
The black-haired boy smiles and accepts without hesitation, telling his friends that they're off and that they'll meet up at the church all together, the other boys simply nodding and smiling.
Jeonghan takes his boyfriend's hand in his and leads him to their car, and once in it they drive off to their dormitory. Once there, Jeonghan makes a pouty face and asks Joshua to take a shower with him, and after several sighs, the American finally agrees. That's how the two end up under the hot water together. Jeonghan gives her boyfriend a huge hug and fills his body with kisses.
Joshua giggles like a child and once he feels ready, he tells Jeonghan if they can get out and get dressed, because otherwise they'll be late. The blond obviously accepts and they get out of the shower together, the two lovers drying themselves off together and getting dressed properly.
" Hey Hannie-ya. Seungcheol and Chan are the bride and groom, not you. The tux wasn't necessary ! "
" I'm the best man so I have to be classy. As classy as the bride and groom."
" I'm going to change too, I'm Seungcheol's best man so good..."
" You're fine like that my Shuji-ya. Don't worry you're perfect in every way."
Joshua giggles again and slowly gets up on his tiptoes to place his lips on Jeonghan's. The older man wraps his arms around Jeonghan's waist. The older man wraps his arms around his lover's waist to help him stay in place and continues the kiss. The American finally places his small hands on his lover's torso and pulls him back from his person.
" Let's go now or we'll really be late."
Jeonghan nods and places a quick kiss on his lover's forehead before letting go, the blond grabs the black-haired man's hand, and the two lovers leave their dormitory to join their two friends who are getting married.
Joshua joins Seungcheol and Jeonghan joins Chan.
Chan and Seungcheol stand in front of the priest and exchange words of love, then the priest says: "If anyone objects to this marriage, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
Jeonghan sighs and looks towards Joshua, delicately rising from his chair, and all the guests are wide-eyed. Joshua doesn't understand what's going on at all, he's stressed and wonders why his boyfriend is doing this. When he sees the blond come in front of him, he drops a knee to the floor, then finally pulls out a small ring from his jacket pocket.
" The effect of surprise is what I was looking for. I discussed this with Chan and Seungcheol, and we decided that two weddings in one would be an excellent idea. My Shuji-ya, we've been together for three years now and my heart belongs only to you, it has no right to belong to anyone but you. You make me happy, all the time. I need you, all the time. I have to fall asleep next to you and wake up next to you to be completely charged with energy. I love you so much I could do anything for you, let me make you happy forever Shuji-ya. Let me put a ring on your finger. Let my dream come true. Let me marry you. "
Joshua blinks, Jeonghan grabs one of his hands and slowly slides the ring onto one of his fingers, Joshua's heart beating at a speed he didn't even think was attainable, when he turns his head he sees that everyone is waiting for the next step, which is his answer.
Then the boy gets up from his chair and throws himself into the blond's arms, the boy returns his lover's embrace and places many kisses on the younger man's neck.
" Your dream is also mine, so yes of course I'll marry you, Jeonghannie, love ! "
The guests howl with joy and applaud, Jeonghan comes to carry Joshua to him and spins him in the air a little, the black-haired boy starts giggling and Jeonghan smiles at the wonderful laugh he wants to hear for the rest of his life. After a while, he sets his lover down on the floor, and the priest, having sealed Chan and Seungcheol's marriage, seals Joshua and Jeonghan's as well.
Once this is done, the guests and the two married couples gather in the room prepared by Jeonghan, and everyone marvels at how beautiful the room is. Jeonghan is happy to see that his work has delighted everyone and made Chan and Seungcheol happy.
The meal goes well, as do the activities, and the day passes quickly, far too quickly, so quickly that evening arrives. Joshua sits on Jeonghan's legs and Jeonghan gives him a gentle back massage. The American looks at his ring and can't stop smiling. This day is divine, no one could have dreamed of a better one, because they're living in a daydream right now.
<3----------------<The end>--------------<3
ritta-hussein Here the JiHan part hehe I hope you like it ♥︎♥︎
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