To changeling or not to changeling

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Steven and his friends are heading to the changeling hive for a weekend. Ocellus is helping him out by in a form of the giant insect.
Steven:"Uh Ocellus, did I happened to tell that heights sometimes make me feel nauseous?!"
Gallus:"Hang in there Steven. We'll be there in a minute."
Sandbar:"Don't puke!" As they made it to the hive, Steven is heading to the other side of the hive to puke.
Thorax:"Oh hello. And you made a new friend. What's his name?"
Ocellus:"This is Steven. He's a husky."
Sandbar:"We met him like a few months ago."
Silverstream:"Yeah! He's probably over there puking because he just got sick from heights."
Yona:"Steven got airsickness. Yona thinks he okay."
Smolder:"I think he's almost done. Just give some time."
Thorax:"Uh..... okay. I'll wait."
Ocellus:"Yeah let's wait."
Steven:"Okay. I'm back."
Thorax:"Oh Steven. I'm Thorax the king of the changelings. Over there watering the flowers my brother Pharynx. He's a general of the changelings. Hey Pharynx you should come and meet Steven." Pharynx rolled his eyes and he was forced to fly over there to meet with Steven.
Steven:"Hi you must be Pharynx right? I'm Steven the husky. Ocellus told me so much about you."
Thorax:"Pharynx don't mumble at him. He was being nice to you."
Pharynx:"Like I cared about it, don't judge king Thorax!"
Thorax:"Hey!!! You watch your attitude!!!" He turned into a black bear in front of his brother. But it didn't scare Pharynx and what's worse, he turns into a giant insect in front of Thorax.
Thorax:"Oh. Uh..... did I turned into a bear in front of you? I-I forgot about you turning into that. (Chuckles nervously) Oops." Pharynx just swatted him and Thorax crashed into a rock. He turns back to normal.
Thorax:"Ow! That hurts!!"

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