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You have no idea how glad Anya is when she finally finds Lexa's truck.

After realizing that Lexa and Clarke weren't just taking a bit long but most likely got stuck, she immediately hopped into her own truck, no matter Luna's concerns.

Seeing that known red and seeing that the accident Lexa apparently had couldn't have been so bad, Anya is relieved like she hasn't been since seeing that Lexa didn't starve in her cabin.

The relief turns into full-blown amusement when she wipes the snow off the window and looks inside.

Lexa is sitting on the driver's seat, but she's not the only one. Clarke is snuggled securely on her lap, their faces in each other's necks, and they're sharing a sweater.

Is there anything more cheesy? (Is there anything cuter?)

The first thing Anya does is steal the polaroid camera from Lexa's truck and take a flashy picture of the two. Then, she shakes Lexa awake with a shit-eating grin. "Hey, lovebirds, I'm coming to save you."

Lexa squints her eyes and yawns. "What?" she mumbles sleepily and Clarke begins stirring too.

"Would you rather stay? I was worrying, I couldn't have known that you were getting cozy in here."

Lexa glares at her. "Clarke literally only had a shirt. It was the only practical solution."

"Mhm. Hop into my truck and let's go before I get stuck too."

"Five more minutes," Clarke murmurs then, awake too, and Anya watches Lexa's eyes become a pool of adoration. She refrains from facepalming.

"C'mon Clarke, we can sleep at home. Wouldn't you rather have a warm bed to sleep in?"



Oh God. Anya doesn't find this so amusing any more. If Lexa's feelings for Clarke surpass a stupid crush, it would be an absolute catastrophe.

Lexa gets crushes once in a while, sure, it's very obvious in the way she looks at people. Tourists, townspeople, glances she catches of the coffee shop owner in Arkadia or a random woman at the busstop. Stuff like that.

Anything else? Falling in love?

Oh God.

The thing is, if Lexa cares, she doesn't let go of that so quickly. She's committed. She gives it her everything.

And Clarke is going to be back in New York as soon as somebody clears the route over the mountains. Besides, she's committed to her work first, and sprinkles a bit of affection on the rest. A cute dog in the inn? Aww and cuddles. A baby? Letting it suck her pinky. Particularly nicely decorated cookies? You made these? Wow. Warm, tasty food? A content hum and closed eyes. Lexa? A charming smile.

Plus, she's used to getting spoiled, and Lexa is such a giver when she cares, she might not even notice if a New York chick who doesn't give a fuck uses her up to the last drop.

Anya swears to God, Lexa better fall in love with anybody but Clarke. A woman with a close circle and very limited dating history and a woman whom a whole city knows and half a city has gone out with with is really not the ideal match, without that Anya wants to be a bitch to Clarke. She likes Clarke, Clarke is funny and kind and she helped them out so much, but if she even thinks of getting it on with Lexa...

"Come on now, get out and get in my car, you're going to catch the worst cold," she distracts herself and, without further ado, Lexa gets out of the truck.

With Clarke's legs still wrapped around her waist and them still sharing both a sweater and a scarf.

This is the most ridiculous shit Anya has ever seen.

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