▪︎○ Book Two Update: I'm Sorry ○▪︎

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Hello again...

So, as some of you have likely noticed, Book Two still has yet to be posted. Truth be told, I had intended to post the first few chapters months ago but due to a combination of personal struggles, writers block and most my work/notes being wiped from my phone/laptop and onedrive account; I haven't been able to.

I'm both heartbroken and frustrated by the lack of updates made for you guys. I'm truly sorry.

Book Two is a struggle at the moment. I've written half an opening, and I hate it. I'd share it with you all, but tbh, I don't think I'd be able to handle the critique of it currently.

Anyway, this update is to inform you all of the reasons for the current delay in Book Two. I do one day hope to update the series with book two, but for now, it's not looking like it will be anytime soon. I'm sorry.

Thank you for reading and any understanding shown. Much love.

• Hannah •

P.s. Yes, that is Book Two's planned cover above.

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