Chapter XVI

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Naked and cold on the silk bedsheets, Jotaro stood by the footboard of the bed. His eyes glaring down at me and my body, as if he were mapping out in his head on what he wanted to do with me. I hitched my breath, swallowing with anticipation and my clitoris throbbing for his attention whilst my eyes peered onto his hands which unhooked the buttons of his ripped shirt. The man was teasing me, going off at a slow pace. I could hear a growled chuckle as I whimpered to his body.

"So you don't think I care, hm?" He abruptly caught me off guard, before sliding the shirt off toned, glistering body with him throwing it towards the nearby trashcan in my room. "Don't think I care about you... about your body. Do you?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words were uttered. Only blinking my luscious eyelashes at him a few times in defeat; their synchronised rhythm signaling him to pleasure me.

He scoffed, looking down for a second as that tongue I missed rolled across his perfectly straight teeth, shining in the dimness of my bedroom light. Soon, he looked back up at me, waving his finger as a gesture for me to come closer to him towards the edge of the bed. I complied, willingly. My body crawling through the ruffles of the stormy white sea - nails clinging tightly, thighs trembling, hips wagging and teeth biting harshly down on my lower lip.

His fingers soon found my chin. The thumb and index finger working together, guiding my head up to further look at him. The other hand was preoccupied with slipping down his jeans, going further and further across his legs till they reached his ankles. All that was left was the godforsaken boxers with that large bulge peaking out.

I let out another whimper, begging him harder to fuck this sensitive body of mine... relentlessly. "Not yet, [Y/N]. Let's lube up my cock first." Swiftly, he harshly tugged down his boxers with a groan as the member sprung out. Hard and throbbing, peaking themselves towards my lips as if he was waiting for me to comply.

Of course, I consented. Opening my mouth widely with his length sliding deeper into my throat until I felt it hit the back. I gagged a little, swallowing again with my toes curling firmly. Jotaro noticed my weakness, stopping for a brief second so I can adjust to the sensation before I let out another little noise to alert him I'm ready.

With that, large thrusts were dealt inside of my mouth whilst I sucked wildly. His strong hand gripped my hair, calloused fingers running through my scalp as he moaned in ecstasy. The hard penis was twitching slightly, ready to cum any second. When he felt himself on the brink of an orgasm, he shoved my head back away from his cock; breathing heavily with long inhales and shaky exhales.

I looked back at him, wiping my mouth from the pre-cum as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why didn't you cu-"

"Where's your sex toys." He spoke out of the blue, which completely caught me off my guard as I shook my head and rapidly blinked my eyes at him in an act of surprise. "Oh, come on. My ex-wife isn't going to just stop masturbating all of a sudden after I left her. Where are your sex toys." He groaned, his fingers slicking across his member with the pre-cum as they coated it in a thin layer.

I cleared my throat, rubbing the back of my neck with slight embarrassment. My finger soon pointed across the room, directly at a cabinet on the bottom drawer. "In there... they're under the socks."

Without anymore questions directed towards me, Jotaro strode across the room. His length was bouncing along the way, my lips parting slightly as it felt like everything was in slow motion. My gaze fixated on the size and thickness which has fit me so many other times previously. Jotaro crouched down, rummaging through the drawers and throwing back a pair of my black thongs with a soft laugh as I just blushed profusely, throwing them back towards him. Soon, he found the vibrators I hidden in my drawer that I hidden there whenever Jolyne was a little kid - always going through the boxes in my room as the curious girl she was at the time. So I had to keep them away.

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