Right from Wrong

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*Kim walks through the front door and enters the house to see Edward with Perdita*

Kim: You're here. They didn't hurt you, did they? *He shook his head 'no' * Were you scared? I tried to make Jim go back, but you can't make Jim do anything. Thank you for not telling them about me.

Edward: You're welcome. 

Kim: It must have been awful when they told you whose house it was.

Edward: I knew it was Jim's house. 

Kim: You did? 

Edward: Yes.

Kim: Well, then why did you do it?

Edward: Because you asked me to. 

*Perdita looked between Kim and Edward. She couldn't believe it; Soon Jim was outside in the backyard calling for Kim. She goes outside and the dalmatian's right ear perks up when she heard Edward scratched the curtains with his scissor hand. He was upset. Outside, Jim holds his arm out for Kim, but she refused* 

Kim: Don't. 

Jim: What's the matter with you? When are you going to stop? I did what I could. My old man think he's retarded, otherwise he'd still be in jail. What more do you want from me?

Kim: You could tell the truth.

Jim: So could you. You were there, too. 

Kim: It wasn't my idea. You know I didn't want to do it. 

Jim: But you did do it. *Kim scoffs and goes back inside* I don't get why you give such a shit anyway. 

*Perdita saw Edward going down the hallway scratching along the way to the bathroom, he was really upset. Later at dinner time, Bill was giving Edward a lecture about morality*

Bill: Well, we are going to try to help you find a way to replace the drapes and the towels, but our confidence in you, Edward, is not going to be so easy to replace. 

Kim: Dad!

Bill: Okay, a little ethics. You are walking down the street. You find a suitcase full of money. There's nobody around. No human person is in evidence. What do you do? A. You keep the money. B. You use it to buy gifts for your friends and loved ones. C. You give it to the poor. D. You turn it into the police. 

Kim: That is really stupid. 

Peg: Kim.

Kevin: I keep the money. 

Peg: Simmer down. 

Bill: Edward? *He waits for his answer*

Kim: Hey, how about after dinner we go down to the bowling alley? That will be fun. *She smiled*

Peg: You're not seeing Jim tonight? 

Kim: No. 

Kevin: You know we had a cool show-and-tell today. This kid brought in a box of baby possums, 10. Maybe 12. Totally naked. No hair at all. 

*Perdita rolled her eyes*

Peg: Honey, this fascinating. But I don't think your father's finished yet.

Bill: Thank you, dear, Edward, we're waiting. 

Edward: Give it to my loved ones? *Bill shook his head 'no' Kim smiled at Edward*

Peg: Oh, Edward, it does seem that's what you should do, but it's not. *Edward looked down* 

Kevin: You dope, everybody knows he's supposed to give it to the police. 

*'Says the boy who wanted to keep the money' Perdita thought* 

Bill: Good thinking, Kevin. *He nodded*

Kim: Well, think about it, you guys, I mean, that's the nicer thing to do. That's what I would do. *She agreed with Edward*

Bill: We're trying to make things easier for him, so let's cut the comedy for a little while. All right. 

Kim: I am being serious, dad. It's a nicer thing to do. 

Bill: We're not talking nice. We're talking right from wrong. 

*Kevin chuckled. But Kim whacks his arm*

Kim: Shut up!

Peg: Oh, goodness' sake, no wonder poor Edward can't learn right from wrong living in this family. *She picks up everyone's plate. Perdita shook her head*

*Meanwhile the housewives started to gossip on the phone, again*

Marge: Did you hear what he did to Peg's curtains?

Tinka: It is unbelievable that they're having their Christmas party anyway. Are you going? 

Marge: Oh, I don't think so. 

Tinka: He practically raped Joyce; you know threatening her with those knives? It's a miracle she escaped. 

Helen: I don't have anything against Bill and Peg, but... 

Joyce: I know, I know. They've got that teenage daughter in the house. Oh, those poor things after what happened to me can you imagine? 

Helen: What did you say to Peg about the Christmas party? 

Tinka: I said I hoped. We'd make it.

Helen: I lied, too. 

*Back at the house, Kim watched Edward cut a rose bush for a while. Inside, Peg was setting the Christmas tree up*

Peg: Edward, do you want to give me that new haircut? 

Edward: Again? 

Peg: Yes, sure. It makes me proud to have you as my own personal hairdresser.  

*Soon Kevin comes into the kitchen*

Peg: Hi, honey. *She greeted him as he goes to get a juice box*

Edward: Kevin, you want to play scissors-paper-stone? 

Kevin: No. 

Edward: No, why? 

Kevin: It's boring. I'm tired of always winning.

Peg: Other people's feelings? 

Kevin: I'll be outside. *He leaves*

Peg: A few manners? *She scolds him before sitting on a chair with a towel around her shoulders* Just never you mind. Just you cut away. Cut away.

*Edward starts to cut her hair* 

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