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I think I read too much ngl



I just finished all of seduce the villains father

Thats not that bad

Yeah but I also read all of my gently raised beast, a stepmother's märchen and i am like half way through I will be a great villain

Well I guess that is bad but thats fine

Yeah but I will be a great villain is so weird

Sorta obsessed just because I get so confused



I reached 200k recently just to go with my new ar 57

Thats good

Yes but then I remember your damage

Your supports probably do more damage than that

Not really


Only one time did my xingqui do like 210k


Very amazing

Last night I couldn't sleep and I remembered one time a squished my bullies index and middle fingers in between tables because she called me fat

( I did this and found it funny while not being able to sleep at 1 am)

Thats not really okay

Shhh I was 4

Why was a girl calling you fat at 4?

Because I was fat but that doesn't mean you can keep your fingernails

What did you do to the girls fingernails?

When I squished them her finger nails ripped out from her struggling

I ended up bashing her bandaged fingers against the table the next day

I dont think thats normal...

That's okay though!! She also pushed me on the ground and watched me struggle to get up because they also held me down

You were badly bullied?

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