7- The Electric Sign

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We walk into the office

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We walk into the office.

"Drew? You again? What did you do now?" She chuckles in disbelief. "What's happening to you today?"

Drew just shrugs looking at the ground before looking up to the headteacher. "I didn't get kicked out of class or anything, but-" He pauses as if he was trying to think of something to say. But I can see the nervousness in his eyes. "It's about.... Mr. O'Sullivant," His voice trembles, as tears fill his eyes. "He umm-". The headteacher looks at him with concern and worry.

I knew Drew. I knew him a lot. I also remember that Drew would do anything to protect others from danger. But here he wasn't going to. He couldn't.

I don't know what Mr. O'Sullivant had done to him, but I'm going to make him pay. Pay for all the damage he caused Drew. My Drew.

"Miss, Mr O'Sullivant is a molester! He touches 16 year olds." I yell placing my hand on Drew's back trying to comfort him. The principals eyes widen in shock processing the information. "That teacher is disgusting. Drew here had to suffer in his classes. Scared for his life." I continue. "Drew? Why didn't you say anything?" The headteacher asks with concern in her voice. He just shrugs and sniffles quietly. "Come here Drew," She pulls Drew into a hug. "Everything will be fine. I'll contact the police in a second." She says with guilt.

Drew didn't cry, yet he was still holding onto his tears. His phone had a notification, but he ignored it. The principal pulled away picking up the school's phone. "I'll be contacting the police now. I don't think you guys want to go back to his class do you?" I shake my head quickly. "You may sit at the reception or do something in the meantime time." She smiles as she takes a seat on her chair dialling a few numbers.

I smile at her taking Drew's hand without any intention and leaving the room. "I'm going to the bathroom." Drew says with a slight tremble in his voice. So we both start to walk to the bathroom. "You can let go by the way." His cheeks slightly pink. I look at my hand and realise I'm still holding his. Quickly letting go of his hand feeling my face heat up. "Sorry." I quickly mumble.

We walk silently and all I could hear was Drew's deep breaths, as if trying to calm himself down. We enter the bathroom and we both enter the cubicles and close the door behind us.

I thought it was just me hearing things, but I heard small sniffles and quiet sobs. "Drew?" I whisper quietly . He stops immediately as if he was embarrassed. I walk out of the stall a bit nervously and slowly opening the door to his stall. I look at him who's crying his eyes out. I felt bad for him seeing him in this state, but a small part of me was happy. Only because he could get rid of the emotions that have been building up for how many amount of time.

We held eye contact his red puffy eyes with tears pouring out. He walks over to me and hugs me. I embrace him immediately, as he starts to cry louder.

I've never seen him in this state he also barely hugged anyone out of his own will. "It's alright Drew," I whisper comforting him whilst standing in the middle of the room with him. "It's over and you're safe." I stroke his hair.

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