Middle of the Night -C

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This is Chris's version of Middle of the Night, I don't have much to say uhhh

I bought Lil Skies tickets and got the meet and greet package too I'm SO EXCITED TO MEET HIM BASNSKSKBAJ

I feel so important, I always see those people on Instagram so much richer than me going to all these cool places and meeting cool people and I finally feel like one of them 🥺

I know it's REALLY REALLY BAD to compare yourself to social media and especially Instagram but DAMN SOMETIMES I JUST WANNA DRINK CHEERS SOMEONE IN A BOOMERANG BRO

I'm hoping I have a good time since this is my second concert of ALL TIME and the first one... well... uh...

Hey is that the chapter starting?

Must be, hope you enjoy! <3


Chris was sat up in bed, hugging his pillow to his chest. The food in his stomach was switching between trying to digest and trying to escape the way it went in, making him really queasy.

They had gone to a restaurant that night and Chris may have overdone it on his food, but in his defense it was delicious. However, it didn't feel so good after finishing his entire plate. His stomach was cramping not too long after they left the restaurant and went home. There, he bid his brothers an early goodnight and went to his room to try and sleep off his stomachache.

Unfortunately for him, it failed to work and he woke up to his stomach torturing him. Finally, he couldn't take the pain anymore and he stood up, making his way to Nick's room.

Nick's heart practically fell out of his ass when he saw the silhouette in the doorway.

"Chris, it's like three in the morning, what are you doing?"

"Nick, I don't feel good," Chris said quietly.

Before Nick could get up or even say a word, Chris bent over and heaved, bringing up his stomach contents right in the doorway of Nick's room.

Shamefully, the first thing Nick thought of was his poor bedroom floor, now covered in vomit. But that thought was quickly erased when another wave left Chris's mouth.

Considering how late it was (or early depending on how one looks at it), it was pitch black outside and difficult to see the ground. But even then, light wasn't really a thought until Nick felt something warm under his sock when he tried to get past Chris.

He gagged to himself as he slowly took off both of his socks and threw them in the trash. The washer couldn't get rid of the memories and burning them wasn't an option at the moment so the trash can would have to do.

The trash can.

Dragging the trash can over, Nick prayed Chris would be done. Unfortunately his wishes didn't come true and Chris was still very sick, to the point of his legs trembling as he threw up more and more. He wasn't exactly in the shape to move, so Nick had to hover the trash can over the puddle on the ground instead.

And finally, finally, there was a break. The only sound in the room was Chris trying to catch his breath as the two of them tried to wrap their heads around what just happened.

"That... was a lot," Nick said, staring off into space in shock. "No wonder you felt so sick."

Chris just nodded, leaning against the doorframe in exhaustion. His throat was in shreds from the acid and he didn't feel like talking anyway. He felt too sick.

"Do you feel any better?" Nick asked.

"Not really.. can we go to the bathroom now?" Chris replied, grimacing in pain.

When the bathroom light clicked on, both Nick and Chris groaned and shielded their eyes.

Now in the light, Nick could see broken blood vessels in his brother's face and his heart broke. Chris was so sick.

"Make it stop..." Chris moaned.

"Do you think some water would help?" Nick asked, unsure of what to do. Chris didn't have a fever, it was just the overeating that made him feel so sick. Unfortunately, that meant there was nothing they could really do about it except just let it pass.

"I guess I could try." Chris shrugged.

As Nick hurried to the kitchen to grab a water, he quietly peeked into Matt's room to see if he knew about the situation.

Matt was asleep, blissfully unaware of the nightmare that Nick and Chris were going through. He looked so peaceful, it almost pissed Nick off.

When Nick went back into the bathroom with a Poland Spring, Chris was over the toilet again, mouth hung open.

"You're gonna puke again?" Nick asked in concern.

Chris nodded before squeezing his eyes shut and lurching forward. Nothing came up and he groaned in pain.

"I feel it, but it's not coming," Chris whined, tears springing to his eyes. He just wanted fo feel better.

"Maybe it's trying to settle-" Nick started. He was interrupted by a small burp and then everything left in Chris's stomach hitting the toilet.

"Or not," he muttered, rubbing his brother's back. A few minutes when by until Chris finally went still, taking a deep breath.

"I feel okay now," he sighed, leaning back against Nick. His stomach still hurt, but it was no longer uncomfortably full and churning like it was nearly an hour ago.

"You need to learn the phrase 'can I have a box please?'" Nick told him.

"No, I'm just never gonna eat again," Chris groaned, taking a sip from the water bottle Nick brought in. "Can I go back to bed now?"

"Yeah, let's go, dude," Nick agreed, helping Chris up and to his bedroom.

As Nick went to leave the room, he was paused by Chris's voice.

"Can you... stay here? Please?"

There was a beat and then Nick replied, "Sure," before climbing into the bed behind Chris. Chris inched a little closer to Nick, enjoying the body warmth.

"Get some sleep, kid. I love you." Nick whispered.

But Chris didn't answer. He was fast asleep, Nick following close behind.



Also let's appreciate how I said "I don't have much to say" and then went on a 5 paragraph rant

Let me know if y'all like this type of three chapter storyline! I really do and I will definitely be making more :)

I love you guys!

-Ari 💞

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