"Ack!" I fall onto the ground, face first into the dirt. Rylee: "You ok?" Rylee grabs my arm and helps me up. "Yeah. A root accidentlying tripped me, that's all." Luis: "Wait guys. I think I can see something up ahead!" Rylee and I go to Luis and see a few figures talking and having a battle. We all recognize one of the figures, some of them had a big red R on their shirt. Rylee: "Dang it. Team Tocket again."
We run down the hill and go around a whole group of pokemon before we stand before the people. Grunt 1: "Who are you three?" I ignore him. "Leave him alone." Me and my friends step infront of the kid who seems about 9 or 10. He has a weak Arcanine with him. Luis: "Hey, what your name?" Patrick: "I'm patrick... and I was fine before you guys came along." "Ok well Patrick... we heard shouting. Was it you?" Patrick nods. Grunt 2: "Leave now or we won't give you guys Mercy!" Me, Luis, and Rylee only look at eachother and smile before turning to the Team Rocket Grunts. We all toss a pokeball upwards and when they hit the floor our pokemon come out. Ben, Charizard, and Venusaur.
Rylee: "You don't wanna fight us." The grunts only snicker. "Ok, I had enough of you people. Ben- Surf!" Ben releases surf on them and they get swept elsewhere down the hill. "Alrighty then." I dust dirt off of my jacket. Rylee: "Well...that works." Patrick: "I was fine... though thank you." We all turn to Patrick and smile. Rylee: "Happy to help." Luis: "Oh. That's right. I'm Luis, this is Etham and Rylee." Me and Rylee wave to him, when he points to us. Patrick's Arcanine growls at us as we start to walk closer to check its cuts. "Hey buddy... we're only here to help." Patrick looks at Arcanine and gives a nod. Arcanine lowers it's guard and we check it's cuts.
Rylee: "Well we healed Arcanine to full health. He did have a cut on its leg. So we bandaged it." Patrick checks on his Arcanine's paw and lifts it up. Patrick: "Um. Thank you." Rylee: "Happy to help." We all pet the Arcanine, it's fur is so soft. "Anyways... what exactly happened?" Patrick: "With Arcanine? Or the people?" Luis: "The People. Also their called Team Rocket."
Patrick: "Well... I just started my pokemon adventure today since yesterday was my birthday. I got Arcanine and I got a send-off earlier. So I decided to go to Saffron City. I thought it would be a good start for my Adventure. But, Team Rocket jumped me. I was able to fend them off for a while. Luckily you guys came here in time. I almost lost." Rylee: "Well that makes since..." We all stand up. Luis: "Anyways Team Rocket are a bunch of bad people who steal other people's pokemon. Or just cause destruction." Patrick sighs. Patrick: "Sorry for bringing you guys into this mess..." "Don't be sorry! We already had to face them many times before, so his isn't anything new." My friends nod in agreement.
After talking for about a hour we decide to part ways.
Patrick: "Don't forget about the thing I told you about the city... it is... cursed or something. Anyways, Good Luck guys!" He waves at us, and we wave back. Me and my friends: "Bye! Good Luck!" ... Rylee: "Oh, there is Lavender Town." Me and Luis turn around to see a town up ahead. There is a mist over it, so is kind of hard see the town itself. "Well I guess we go then..."

Ethan's Pokemon Journey!
FantasyFinally! It's the day, 10 year old Ethan had dreamed of since he was a little kid. He finally gets to become a Pokemon Trainer! Thinking that his journey will be easy, he sets off to explore the Kanto Region. But he soon realizes the harsh reality o...