Chapter Thirty-One

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A/N: Hey everybody! This chapter basically wraps up the mission on Naboo, I wanted to say sorry for taking so long😭 I kinda dabbled in creating the ending/final arc of my fanfic, don't worry it's not for a while. I just overthink and wanted to have everything in place to not leave any weird plot holes of something.


I honestly can't believe how far we came 😭. And I'm also super excited to write the next few chapters which takes place on Ryloth. I was also happy to write more Padmé because she's honestly so Iconic!

Also I'm kinda busy so this chapter isn't edited fully, but within the day any correction errors should be fixed unless something blows over my head. (Something will trust me) 😭 feel free to call out them so then I'll be able to find it quicker!❤️

Padmé was staying with Representative Binks to investigate the area. Me, Ahsoka, Rex and the Clones were looking around for the same droid who escaped. He had a virus capsule. The alarm was like a chirping noise, it was starting to get irritating by the second.

"Can't the droid see they've already lost? Vindi is captured, the bombs are disabled, what's the point?" I groaned.

"We'd never back down, so it makes sense the enemy wouldn't either." Rex said. "And besides, programming."

"I guess that's true." I said. We continued walking, searching for the droid.

The chirping stopped and a more aggressive alarm came on. I heard and felt rumbling through the base.

Ahsoka looked at me and looked back at Rex. "Virus leak! Get to the safe room, let's go!" He commanded.

Within moments we all started running. A nasty blue fog trailed us quickly. Doors began shutting as we looked for a safe room.

"There's the safe room! Get inside!" Rex shouted. There was a door that began to shut down the corridor. Two of the clones with us jumped though the enclosing space and placed their blasters trying to keep it open.

"Don't worry! Get inside!" Ahsoka said. She was trying to hold the doors open with the force. I could see her obviously struggling.

"Hurry!" Rex said as he jumped through the hole. I crawled through and held the door open from the inside, it was taking all my strength yet the door was still closing.

Ahsoka jumped though and I released the door from my grasp, as it slammed shut. I could see some of the blue fog get inside. That wasn't good.

"Liyah what is going on down there?" I heard Master from my comlink.

"The released the virus, but we managed to seal the lab!" I said.

"And Padmé?" He asked.

"We haven't heard from her since we went looking for the droid."

A clone walked over to a console and eyed it down. I walked over to peer over his shoulder to see what he was looking at. All of a sudden I felt a scratching sensation at my chest, and began to cough.

"No no no!" He panicked. Ahsoka and Rex walked over. "Some of the virus got in here! We didn't shut the door fast enough."

I coughed in my arm. "I figured." I said.

"We may be dead men, but we can still stop those droids." Rex said. What he said comforted me slightly, I wasn't afraid to die, Master Yoda always says embrace death, celebrate those who pass on. I never thought I'd die in a lab though.

"Don't worry." Ahsoka placed her hand on my shoulder. "Master will find us a cure." She then looked at Rex and the Clones optimistically. "We're not dead yet!"

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