Have I left it too late

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Dani’s P.O.V

The next day I arrived half an hour early for my appointment with the medical team at London Colney. I went to the chill room to wait until they were ready for me.

The room was empty, there are only the players that are rehabbing injuries in training at the moment and Danielle Carter ex Arsenal striker who is currently without a club. She is just trying to stay fit.

I was sat down on my phone. I was in the room for less than 10 minutes before someone else came in. I looked up and saw that it was Leah. I smiled at her and said “hey”

She said quite abruptly “when did you get back?”

“The day before yesterday. It’s nice to see you too” I said sarcastically

She said “was you not going to tell me?”

I said “you were actually the first person that I called when I got back but you didn’t answer. I’m still waiting for the return call”

She said “sorry”

I’m not convinced that she was. It didn’t sound that way. But I still carried on with the conversation so I said “yeah me to”

“What are you here for today?” She asked

“I’m seeing the medical team so they can access my knee” I said

She said “how is your knee?”

“It’s good, hopefully I can fully start to rehab it soon. How’s yours?” I said.

“I’m slightly ahead of schedule” she said

I said “that’s good. I’m glad”

She said “me to”

We were silent for a minute, then I said “I have to get to my appointment but can we catch up properly later?”

“I have made plans already but we will catch up soon” she said

I said “just let me know when your free” I got up and walked out of the room without looking back.

I feel like she doesn’t want me to be back. Maybe she doesn’t have feelings for me anymore. I don’t know. I need to find out what is going on with her. Maybe she doesn’t want to be with me. Have I left it too late.

I had my appointment and I was told that I can start running this week. I was so excited about it. I thought that it would lift my mood after my conversation with Leah but it didn’t.

I was at home later and my phone started ringing it was Katie McCabe. I accepted the call and said “hey”

She said “hey Dani, you sound a little down. What’s the matter?”

“I saw Leah today and the conversation didn’t really go the way that I wanted it too” I said

“What did she say?” Katie asked

“Not much really. She asked how my knee was, I asked about hers and I asked her if we could catch up later but she said that she was busy” I said

“Do you think she is or do you think she is trying to avoid you” she said

“It could be either. Seems like she is loving the single life. I can’t really say anything because I told her to” I said

“What are you going to do?” she asked

“Wait for her to have time for me. It’s not like I’m going anywhere is it” I said

She said “that’s true. How did your appointment go?”

“It went well. I will be able to run again in a couple of days. At least then I can properly get back into training. I need something else right now” I said

“That’s great news. I’m stoked for you” she said

I said “Thanks. Me to”

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