13 ~ Peaceful Dreams

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When everyone finishes dinner this evening, I can see the frustration clear as day on many of their faces. The sight amuses me, knowing exactly why it is they're frustrated after having just finished eaten, knowing that, in this moment, it has everything to do with multiple plates that still haven't been finished despite everyone growing full.

"Don't worry so much about how much you all are or are not eating right now. If you guys aren't back to eating full meals in a week or so, then there's an issue. Right now though, it's just because the medicine is still working it's way out of your system and or your body isn't used to the fact that it has no medicine in its system at the moment. The shit that those places had you guys on, one of those side effects is very much a decrease in appetite.

"Your body doesn't know what to make of the fact that it doesn't have anything in its system to mess with that at the moment though. By the time a week has gone by, you should all be eating regularly again. The only two who shouldn't have much of an issue eating a full meal at the moment is Yoongi and Taehyung, but I also understand that you both probably feel a rather high amount of stress these days, which can also decrease your appetites as well." I explain as I begin clearing dishes out of the way. I catch sight of some of them nodding, some just sighing instead as they stand.

"Hoseok, it's your turn." I add as I head back to the table to collect the remaining dishes. I watch the way he rolls his eyes, huffing at the news as he sits back down in his chair while the others spread out to do their own thing, some giving him sympathetic glances before heading off to their rooms while others wander their way over to the living room.

I catch Jimin and Jungkook both hesitantly opting to stay downstairs when it's the decision that Yoongi makes, and I nod to myself at the sight, rather content with that decision myself for them, wishing more of the boys would choose to do that. Jin and Namjoon have seemed to continue to maintain their distance from him, and Taehyung is still keeping his distance from everyone, but Taehyung's decisions don't surprise me in the slightest, certainly not with the way he's been seeming to get treated.

"C'mon. Why don't we chat in the studio?" I suggest gently once I've taken care of the dishes. Hoseok just sighs heavily at this though, rolling his eyes once more as he stands back up and heads towards the room he'd seen me disappear into earlier. I purse my lips at his seeming impatience to get this conversation over with, and I begin to wonder just how well exactly this conversation is going to go.

"I'm not playing your shitty little games that you've been trying to play with the others, Jaekyung. Don't even bother with it." Hoseok breathes out in annoyance as I reach the studio. I just suck a deep breath in through my nose, deciding it might just be in my better favor to focus on the ache in my arms and sides than on this conversation.

"I want to know what happened in your own words, Hoseok. How you were feeling throughout all of it, when your own breaking point was. How you got ahold of the things that you did." I inform him, deciding it better for the both of us that I don't comment on what he'd been accusing me of. He lets out a heavy breath at this, leaning back into the couch as he looks down at his hands resting in his lap.

"You know this is all for nothing right? At the end of the day, this won't change anything." He mutters quietly, sadness seeping into his voice as he glances up at me. I offer a smile in return though, getting this idea already that everyone seems to feel this way.

"I think we should let time be the judge of that. Lots of things start to get very messy when we decide that we're suddenly going to be the judge of others, that we have the right to judge another person." I counter gently, feeling the dejection radiating off of him. He lets his gaze drop back to his hands at this, pursing his lips for a moment before taking a shaky breath.

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