V2: Breach (small edit.)

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2 nights before

In the castle of the red rocky land... inside the castle stands a woman with pale white skin and red veins all over her body... standing before a cylinder chamber in silence as a young woman with a amber eye and a hair stand covering her other ear. The young woman kneels before the blacked dressed woman.

???: "Arise cinder. I have given you a task."

She spoke in a motherly manner as Cinder stands as she looks at the woman.

Cinder: "What is the task you've requested?"

The woman looks at one of the chambers. There were 3, 2 of them were fully matured humans the one in the middle was not clear to see but can tell by the shape it was a kid.

???: "Take one of the subjects to Roman's shipment."

Cinder raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Cinder: "The clone?"

The woman shakes her head.

???: "The clones far too weak. He'll disintegrate if exposed of the air too long. The male is too strong and will likely cause too much attention."

She says as she darts her eyes to the last chambers.

Cinder: "So the female than?"

The woman nods.

The present

Aj's k8 Letha suit is fully covers him as he blasts the Grimm in his way. As he lands on the ground a giant snake charges at him but before he can react rose pettals flew past him as it slices the Grimm in half. The rose petals disperse as Ruby appears and rolls behind Aj.

Ruby: "You alright?"

Aj nods.

Aj: "Not broken yet."

He says as yang jumps besides them as her gauntlets click and multiple explosions from the crowd of bear like Grimm.

Yang: "We're surrounded"

Aj: "Ya don't say?"

He says sarcastically as Blake backflips and lands where they are.

Blake: "It's no time to goof around"

Weiss skids backwards to the rest of team Rwby and Aj.

Weiss: "She's right. I expect it from the dolt in red-"

Ruby: "Heyyy..."

She whines as Weiss rolls her eyes.

Weiss: "But you Aj?"

Aj: "Sorry when I get nervous I tend to crack unfunny jokes."

Weiss: "Well it's not helping."

Aj: "Ruby when are your help going to arrive?"

Ruby looks at Aj worried.

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