Chapter eighteen

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𝓣he next day, Jenna and Hagrid went Diagon Alley to get all of her supplies. I already informed Dumbledore about Jenna having Borderline and he told me to inform the teachers the next time I was free, which I was doing at that moment.

I made Draco come because I didn't want to be alone. Plus, I wanted support from a friend if I ended up breaking down telling the teacher, which would most likely happen.

"Come on, Draco," I said, grabbing Draco's wrist and dragging him towards Professor McGonagall's classroom.

"Why did you choose me to come with you?" Draco mumbled.

Did I forget to mention that I forced a Slytherin to show me where the Slytherin dorms were and woke up Draco and forced him to get dressed and come with me? And yes, Draco slept past noon.

"Because I wanted support from my best friend," I said, shrugging.

"I thought Hermione was your best friend," Draco said.

"Hermione is my best girl friend. You are my best guy friend," I said.

"Why couldn't you just waited until I woke up?" Draco complained.

"Because we have to do this now before Jenna comes back with Hagrid," I said.

Then, out of nowhere, Draco tensed and puffed out his chest, as if he was about to get into some sort of manly brawl.

"What's wrong?" I asked, suddenly on alert.

"Why are they staring at you?" Draco asked.

That was when I noticed the stares I was getting. There was a group of boys standing in the corridor, with their eyes locked on me.

There were five boys in the group. Two of them were Hufflepuffs, two were Ravenclaw, and one was a Gryffindor. They all looked like 4th or 5th years, except for one. One of the Hufflepuffs I could tell was a 5th-year student. He was wearing a Prefect badge and to be completely honest; he was hot.

"Draco, stop being so overprotective. They aren't doing anything except for looking at my flawlessness," I whispered, doing a hair flip.

Then the Gryffindor wolf-whistled when I walked in front of them.

"Andy, what is wrong with you?" The Hufflepuff with the Prefect badge said. "She's a girl, not a dog."

I stopped walking, and I could have sworn that Draco let out a low growl.

I glared at the Gryffindor, staring at him in awe. "Excuse me?"

Andy smirked at me and winked.

"Vi, do it," said the voice in the back of my head. "He's not allowed to talk to you like that."

I complied, marching straight up to him and kicking him square in the balls. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell to his knees.

"Hufflepuff over here is right. I'm not a dog. Also, Andy, I could hurt you so much worse, so I suggest you never do something like that ever again. I'm talking to all of you. Got it?" I asked, deathly calm. They nodded and left except for the Hufflepuff and Andy, who was still groaning in pain.

"I'm Cedric. Cedric Diggory. Sorry about him." Cedric apologized.

"I'm Violet. You don't have to apologize. It's not you who did it." I said.

"Well, Violet, you seem pretty ace. Maybe we can hang out sometime?" Cedric said.

I felt my face heat.

"I'd like that," I said, completely forgetting that Draco was behind me.

"Well, I have to go. Homework," he said with a smile.

That smile made butterflies flutter in my stomach, and my face went even redder.

"Okay, see you around," I said, trying my hardest to not embarrass myself.

Cedric looked at the Gryffindor boy again. "Come on Andy, let's go," said Cedric.

He helped the boy up from his spot on the ground and walked off with him.

"You know I'm still here, right?" Draco asked, glaring at Cedric as he walked away.

"Yep. Not going to lie, Cedric is fucking gorgeous." I said to Draco.

Draco rolled his eyes. "That's disgusting."

"No, it isn't. He's beautiful. Like, child of Aphrodite beautiful," I said.

"He looks like Buckbeak," said Draco.

"That is very rude and untrue. You're just jealous of him," I said, crossing my arms.

"So what, according to your standards, I'm ugly now?" asked Draco asked, with a small smirk.

"No, I'm not saying you are ugly. You're cute. Like a puppy, or a kitten. Cedric Diggory is the fucking sun," I said.

"That's gross," Draco grimaced.

"Whatever. Now, come on, we have to go see Professor McGonagall about Jenna," I said and continued to drag Draco down the corridor.

Violet Lily Potter (Draco Malfoy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now