123) The Nublar Six As Things Said By My Friend And I

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Dude, the title goes on forever-

Kenji: "FLIPPIN' FUN!"

Sammy: *Sings the peace song on the tune of 'Bingo was his name, o' from the assembly*

"P-E-A-CE, P-E-A-C-E, P-E-A-C-E, having fun TOGETHER!!"

Ben: "I thought of 700 ways to kill people!"

Yasmina: wHy dOEs a WriTEr uSeeE a sEMi-cOlon- 🤨 noBOdy cARes!!!

Brooklynn: Oh, god. The password game's insane.

Darius: Yeah, Wattpad's great.

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