The Last Steps

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A few hours later Y/n and Arthur re-emerged from the simulator room and Y/n looked quite pleased with herself. The rain had softened to a drizzle and night had fallen.

Charles: I take it you won Y/n
Y/n: Only by a lot
Arthur: I let her have it
Y/n: Sure you did. Just like you always do. I could beat all of you if I tried. What can I say? Sim racing is just my thing.
Charles: Okay hotshot let's go.
Y/n: Now?
Charles: You said you could take all of us. Well now you can prove it. Me then Pierre.
Pierre: I like this idea very much
Y/n: Okay fine. Let's go boys.

They all went back to the simulators and Charles beat Y/n but by a close gap.
Charles: I must admit, you're quite good but I'm still better.
Y/n: Whatever... Pierre?
Pierre: Let's do this thing
Y/n: Oh and don't let me win now.
Pierre: I'll play fair

She raced against Pierre and almost beat him but ended up making a mistake which cost her the win.

Y/n: NO! Did you see how CLOSE that was?!
Pierre: Well done Chérie. That was very impressive. A shame you turned too wide on that last lap otherwise you would've had it.
Y/n: I'll get you next time

She yawned at saying this and looked at the time.

Y/n: Is THAT the time?!
Charles: I guess so. Time flies.
Y/n: I have a wedding to prepare for in three days! I best get to sleep. I love you all but goodnight

She got up and made her way out the room with the others. She headed for her bedroom before a voice stopped her.

Pierre: Ahem... aren't you forgetting something?
Y/n: What do you- Oh!
She ran back and gave him a kiss.
Y/n: Love you so much
Pierre: Love you too. I'll be there soon
Y/n: Can't promise I'll be awake

She walked off and disappeared down the hall and into the room. Charles exhaled and tiredly fell onto the couch.

Arthur: Hey bro...
Charles: Yeah?
Arthur: Isn't tomorrow...

His voice faded out but it was enough for Charles to realize what he was saying.

Charles: Yeah... it is.
Pierre: It's what?
Charles: Jules' birthday
Pierre: Oh... will Y/n-
Arthur: -She's normally herself but we can all see she doesn't particularly like the day.

Pierre looked in the direction of the room where he knew Y/n would have fallen asleep by now.

Pierre: Why did she set the wedding so close to it then?
Charles: Coincidence?
Arthur: That or she doesn't see why you shouldn't get married now.
Pierre: True I suppose.

After a the conversation carried on for a bit they decided to call it a night.

That night Pierre cuddled up close to Y/n, thinking about what tomorrow will bring. He hasn't known Y/n for long but he knew her enough to know this wasn't going to be easy for her.

Worried, he fell asleep and woke up the next day to an empty bed.

Pierre: Chérie?

He looked around and couldn't see her. Getting up he walked down to the kitchen and living room but she also wasn't there.

Pierre: Y/n?

Worry grew in his voice. He must've woken Charles who came to see what was going on.

Charles: What's wrong?
Pierre: I can't find Y/n
Charles: She's okay. She's just down by the docks. Look there.

He looked out of the window that overlooked the docks and Y/n was sitting on a bench overlooking the water.

Pierre: How did you-
Charles: She does it every year
Pierre: Is she okay?
Charles: Why don't you go see for yourself. She'd appreciate the company. I normally join her but maybe you should this time.
Pierre: Okay, yeah.

Once he dressed, Pierre made his way down to Y/n and took a seat next to her. She was quiet and after the rain last night the air was crisp and there was a coolness about it. He looked down and noticed a scrunched up paper in her hands.

Pierre: Morning
Y/n: Morning
Pierre: Everything Okay?
Y/n: I suppose... just... thinking.
Pierre: Okay... can I ask something?
Y/n: Sure
Pierre: What's the paper?
Y/n: It's just something stupid.
Pierre: I highly doubt that. What is it?
Y/n: It's a letter. Jules wrote it to me when I got the marketing internship. I didn't open it then and lost it. I only found it after the accident. I haven't been able to read it.
Pierre: And now?
Y/n: Every single birthday of his I bring it here and try read it. Every single time I fail.
Pierre: May I?

He gestured to the letter and Y/n handed it to him but unexpectedly he never opened it.

Y/n: I thought-
Pierre: I'd never read this unless you tell me to. It's not for me to read. I just thought if you didn't hold it you could think about it a bit clearer. See what it's like not having it.
Y/n: I think- I think I'll read it this time. I need to. Then that chapter of my life is fully closed and I can move forward.
Pierre: Moving forward doesn't mean forgetting.
Y/n: I know. It's time that I'm honest with myself though. As much as I say I'm moving forward I can't fully take the step. I'm starting a life with you in two days and this is the last thing I need to do.
Pierre: I'm proud of you Y/n. I'll leave you to read this.

He handed the letter back to her and got up. He went back to Charles' apartment and Y/n took a deep breath and opened the paper up.

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