Long awaited A/N

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Hey yall,

I initially had a note on the previous chapter stating that I would be releasing 1 final chapter for this story. And I understand that some of yall have been waiting patiently for ages but as I keep reading the drafts I've written, and the story as a whole, I feel there is no need for an aditional chapter. My original idea was to finish the main story in the last chapter and conclude with an epologue which explored the boys in the future portraying their relationtionship in a more mature light; highlighting their growth. However I just couldn't exicute it how I'd initially planned.

Along with falling ill and having a lot go on in my lie physically and mentally my opinion on this story has changed quite a bit. I apologise for this long wait as I'm sure yall were looking forward to it but I can't force myself to write something which doesn't click anymore. Idk if i'll delete this not in a few weeks or months but for now it's here.

Again, apologies but many thanks for reading this. I hope it was enjoyable!! If you want to read more of my work I have an account on Ao3 under the same username where I have another kpop fanfic (taehyung, yoongi, beomgyu) called Trip to Daegu. Please check it out!

Aliro :)

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