11 - I Want To Go Home

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Anyone need any tissues? 🥲🤧

Question of the day:

Are you an introvert 🤫 or extrovert 📣?

Enjoy this chapter!

Day three of being married

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Day three of being married.

It felt just like previous day which I spent in this house - miserable and lonely.

I woke up to an empty bedroom and the sound of the bedroom door closing shut.

It just proved my thoughts exactly. I knew this would turn into a marriage where we never spoke or saw each other and that's already the case.

However, unlike yesterday, the rest of his family were at home - apart from his father.

I got out of bed and brushed my teeth, choosing to throw on some leggings and an oversized sweater for breakfast.

Unfortunately, that proved to be a huge mistake.

In the Darmos household breakfast is a relaxed, family friendly affair.

In the Accardi household it's an entirely glamorous affair.

They were all sitting around the dining table in the kitchen when I walked in. Tristano, Rocco and Costa were all wearing luxury Italian suits. The twins were wearing casual designer clothes and Riviera was wearing a dress. Even her two year old daughter was in a Burberry dress.

And here I was in my leggings and oversized sweater with no make up and my hair in a bun.

As I approached the kitchen in the hallway I could hear laughter, bickering and lots of talking.

"Hell no."

"Oh, come on. Just let me try, Costa. Just once."

"You won't be able to do it and someone is going to end up dead." My husband's velvety accent stood out among all the voices. Even his voice was so distinct, commanding all the authority in the conversation.

"Would that really be a bad thing?" Rocco questioned. "I mean, if Aidan accidentally kills anyone, most likely it will be Giovanni and Lord knows we could do with getting rid of him."

"Hey!" Giovanni's outburst was quickly drowned out by a round of laughter in the kitchen.

But that laughter died out the moment I rounded the corner into the kitchen.

For a fleeting second I came to a slow stop, not expecting their expressions to fall so dramatically at my entry.

Sure they didn't like me, but they were looking at me like I just dragged in the dead body of one of their family members to eat for breakfast.

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