Chapter 22: Show Night.

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Julian's POV-

Several minutes have felt like they had gone by and yet the school day was already over as such meant at least two or three hours left to get ready for show night. And so here I was sitting down with one knee up to my chest and the other hanging down below as I sat at the edge of the arching part of the stage. Majority of the people who were in the production were alre in the same theatre class as I was for the same period too, admittedly that was how I had met most of the troupe whereas some I knew way before coming to this school. For instance there was Kay who I'd knew from elementary and that I had the same fifth grade class, who also happens to be another witch, and also Jackie whom I had met in middle school and who also happened to be a witch as well.

Besides them of course that left most of the troupe that I now know and only met in highschool though not to say that was a bad thing, just only that I knew some more longer than most. Which if I can recall what a few of them were though that I was aware of which supernatural creature they were, besides my friend group of course. First up would be Brodey whom mentioned that he was a siren which I could see, he's got pretty long hair basically suited to be the next little mermaid though I haven't necessarily heard him sing before or not to my recollection. He works in the set department meaning he's one of the other who help make the scenery and adjust to change it whenever to transition to another scene.

Next was Nex and Parrish, though I haven't technically got a solid answer to what supernatural they were, I have noticed that they had shown signs of exhibiting some minor psychokinesis which I would have to look up later on for more research. But other than that what they did were different departments in the theatre where Parrish did makeup and costumes, Nex was head of the set design.

Another was Chloe, someone whom I've gotten along with before the reveal since we both had three classes together for freshman year. As for what supernatural she was, I managed to determine being one of the undead varieties not from appearance but moreso an hypothesis. As for her role she was casted as the Cheshire Cat, of which I found hilarious and pretty fitting to play.

Next down would be Ally, another friend that I've gotten along with from before and whom is also a vampire at least from what I've been told by her directly. As for her casting role, she was the Queen of Hearts and once again I found it a fitting cast, though not in the sense to connect the vampire part and red color.

And so far those were at least three individuals that I've gotten down since besides my friends I haven't really gotten so much of an opportunity to ask the rest of the Troupe for what supernatural they were. Mainly since I didn't want to come off very strange nor have anyone feel like an outcast or something, even though that was more of my case instead of anyone else. However upon hearing Walburn speaking out loud on stage and calling for everyone to make a circle to start the well known "show circle" which was essentially the moment where everyone sits together and each individual gets to say something positive or anything they want to finally say before we begin our show.

Afterwards by a few seconds everyone was already in a circle, me sitting next to my friend group along with being next to Walburn and some of the seniors too. The show circle was already starting as everyone was going one at a time to say whatever they wanted to say before show starts. Meanwhile I myself on the other hand didn't really know what to say at this point because with all that I had just experienced was it really that important to want to tell everyone about, I mean it pretty much felt like something to keep on the down low even for Walburn and Joshua. It also didn't help with my mind going back to the nights where I allowed Hyde to do what he wanted which resulted in several unknown of how many supernatural creature that I had attacked with my own hands and collecting their teeth and such afterwards, I hadn't even realized that I could have possibly killed some of them without even knowing and the one I do remember was at the mall with the wendigo.

"Uhh... Julian?" Laci called my name after tapping my shoulder to snap me back to reality.

"Huh... yeah?" I said looking towards her direction once snapping out of space.

"It's your turn to talk now." Laci would respond as my attention then went to everyone who had their eyes on me.

"Oh right uhh yeah...." It felt very tense to speak but after taking a deep breath and went ahead. "Well... for one I must say this school year has been a whole trip dare I say. One moment you're on your way home after a day of rehearsal, the next you're back sitting on the prop couch with bandages after getting attacked by a wendigo and not only that finding out your whole Troupe are supernatural. That along with school and being attacked at least three more times, I gotta say I've been through a lot for a teenager to understand fully. But besides that I guess I have also been feeling much more isolated than before once finding out, yet despite that most of you guys were still treating me like nothing had changed and I kinda felt relieved for that. Granted I had questions but I still felt relieved nonetheless since I don't see you all as any different from before, everyone here are important parts to what we call a family, we all have our struggles and downs from time to time but we often come together and push through it to get to the next day. And I honestly am amazed by that more than the fact that some of you can do magic or even fly. So all I gotta say really is, I'm glad that not much has changed and with the end of the school year closing in soon I will be happy to see where all of this goes in the future since there is some questions I want answers. And for the summer I know I'll find them."

There was a bit of a long silence from everyone which made it more tense even after I had finished talking but before anything else I would hear clapping from Tyler and Viktor who just had a smile on their faces as such everyone else followed along and clapped which in all honesty made me feel more relieved and even a bit touched that everyone was accepting of what I said especially my friends and even Walburn who was also smiling brightly at my direction.

"Well said Julian, well said. Now as much as we all like to come together for a Puff hug, we got a show to get ready before seven so let's all get up and ready to get a move on folks." Walburn would respond once getting up and sending everyone off, though not before giving me a thumbs up.

A few minutes later.

I was now in the dressing room, getting on my makeup as well as putting on my costume with the rest of the guys changing to get into their costumes. I on the other hand was using the bathroom to change into, though wasn't much difficult to get into since my attire was basically pinned together, and so once I finished up I went to take a look in the bathroom mirror. And may I say I do indeed look like royalty, with the contrasting of the black from my pants and cape to my red buttoned shirt and trailing scarf on my right shoulder, including even the makeup for my face which was mainly a large shaped heart on my right eye which made me look like a missing member from KISS. And to top it all off would be the crown my head to clarify my role as the King of Hearts, though as I kept looking in the mirror guess who decided to pop in.

"I must say, we look rather fabulous in this attire don't we?" Hyde commented with a smirk.

"You mean how I look." I retorted.

"It's called self love dear, and I do believe we ought to try it out more." Hyde then implied.

"Sounds pretty narcissistic to me, and I thought you were going to be out for the night?" I questioned.

"Indeed I did say that, but how can I not resist popping in at least to see how things are going." Hyde replied.

"Everything is going smoothly, nothing to worry. Just me and the stage." I answered rather confident.

"I like the sound of that..." Hyde commented again.

"Hey Julian, we're about to start in ten minutes you almost done in there?" Viktor asked after knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yeah I'm already down, I'll be right out there soon." I would call out in return before looking back to the mirror and still seeing Hyde.

"Do you think Selina has shown up yet?" Hyde then asked.

"I gave her the message, so I'm hoping so. But it's just to show, not to impress." I responded.

"Sure it is, that's what it's always been. In any case break some legs, literally and figuratively." Hyde said.

"I'll be doing one of those things...." I answered before finally walking out to head on stage. "Showtime...."

End of chapter-

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