One Day

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"So what are you going to do?" (Y/n) asked as he lay with his head in Kara's lap as she ran her hand through his hair and smiled down at him, her back and head against the headboard of the bed.

"I'm thinking I should accept the offer" Kara shrugged as she tapped her finger against the boys forehead.

"You wouldn't have to live in that big tower of theirs would you?" He frowned and Kara shook her head.

"Nah, not live there. Maybe hang out a bit during the days" she spoke nonchalantly as she caressed the boys cheek.

"And Nightwing would be there the most of the time?" (Y/n) asked with a frown which caused Kara to smirk.

"Jealous?" She asked playfully as she watched him closely.

"Concerned" the boy replied wearily after a moment of silence. "He's a lot better looking than I am"

"That's not-" Kara was silent for a moment before shaking her head. "He's- look I prefer you" She shook her head again. "Simple as that"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "The hesitation there doesn't make me feel much better"

"Look just say you don't want me to and I won't join" Kara spoke as she once again stroked the boys cheek. "I won't be upset"

"No" (y/n) spoke quickly as he was now the one to shake his head. "If you want to go I won't stop you, just... control yourself"

Kara was silent for a moment as she looked up at the wall, he brought up a good point. Her condition did make it hard for her to be around Nightwing while still controlling her urges. "I'll be on my best behavior. I won't even use my X-Ray vision to see... to see..." she quickly looked down to the boy. "Take your clothes off"

(Y/n) frowned and shook his head. "Let's see how this turns out. If you can go tonight and tomorrow without anything inappropriate then I'll take back my objections"

Kara was silent before nodding. "Fine. Get out of my bed" she quickly pushed the boy and he rolled off the bed. "Don't want me trying anything while you're asleep"

"Ow" (y/n) just muttered as he slowly stood up and glared at Kara. "That was unnecessary"

"But fun" Kara countered with a smile. "Have fun sleeping on the couch!"

(Y/n) considered arguing but Kara had been the one who had built the house so he decided he'd take the couch. "Fine. Goodnight Kara" he spoke as he walked towards the door.

"Ciao Sunshine" she blew a kiss to the boy and he exited the room. "I am so going to fail this" she whispered to herself as she got undressed for bed.


(Y/n) could see the small sweat drops on Kara's head as she stared at him. He had been eating breakfast for a while now and she was still yet to get herself something. "Need some Barbie?" He asked as she licked her lips.

"No" she replied after a moment of not processing his words. She wiped the sweat off her brow and watched as he ate another spoonful of cereal. "I just- I didn't sleep"

"You don't need sleep" (y/n) countered as he ate another spoonful of cereal.

"I don't need it but it makes me think less of sex which would have been very helpful considering the deal we made" Kara replied with a glare as she started to sweat more. "I don't think I can do this. Today's a bad day for me"

"Like I said, if you want you can join them, I won't stop you" the boy shrugged as he finished his cereal. "But I'm always gonna be apprehensive about it unless you can prove I don't need to be"

Kara groaned loudly as she looked up towards the ceiling. "Fuck! Fine, I'll wait it out" she groaned as she grabbed her hair and pulled it roughly. "Stupid fucking biological deficiencies"

"Calm yourself blondie, your quirks are what make you you" (y/n) spoke as he reached over and Kara quickly leaned her cheek into the boys hand and closed her eyes. "Besides, it's hot to see you desperate for me"

Kara's eyes opened and she stuck her tongue out at the boy angrily after those last words. "I hate you"

"You love me" he replied in return as Kara continued to nuzzle his hand without even realizing she was doing so. "That's also hot by the way. Always a plus when a girl likes me back"


Kara had somehow spent the entire day at the boys side without so much as slapping his ass. She was very impressed with herself and she hoped that the boy was too.

"So..." she started as they stared out their bedroom window from the shared bed and watched the sun set. "Ready to talk Titans?"

"I am" (y/n) nodded as he reached over to Kara and ran a hand over her side, leaving it on her waist as he resumed talking. "I didn't expect you to last this long"

"If your hand stays there it's gonna end quickly" Kara replied as her eyes were drawn to the boys lips. "Have I proven myself to you or do I need to do something else first?"

(Y/n) sighed and removed his hand from Kara's body. "Yeah Kara, you've proven yourself. I'm sorry I doubted you"

"That sigh concerns me" she frowned as her eyes went back up to the boys face.

"I- don't worry about it" (y/n) smirked as he put his hand on Kara's arm. "Have fun on the Titans. Just... just come back here if you-"

Kara cut the boy off with a quick kiss. "I promise" she replied before quickly glowing blue and zooming on top of the boy as she connected their lips again. "Now I'm tired of waiting" she spoke as she's ripped the boys shirt open, well aware he'd make her buy him a new one in the morning"

Word count: 1026

(People wanted Kara on the titans. I'm a man of the people... sometimes)

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