(I did use Google translate for 99% of the Spanish so if it's wrong sorry)
Eddie secretly says things about buck in spanish. Little does he know buck had learned spanish to help chris
------------------------------------------------------------Buck had wanted to be able to help Chris with his Spanish and to do so he learned some as well but Eddie had no idea of this so the first time it happened buck brushes it off.
They were at work and he had just got the last patient out of the building and into the ambo.
Eddie had been talking to cap about what happened inside when Bobby asked about how buck did.
"He did good, actually listened" Eddie replied but after buck caught his words in Spanish
"Perfecta como siempre" (perfectly as always) buck understood enough to know Eddie called him perfect and said always which made buck blush but he shoves it off.
The second time however he was caught off guard. Eddie, buck and the others had been in the changing room to go home when he heard Eddie say something in Spanish once again.
"te sexy con tu uniforme" (your sexy in your uniform) this time buck stiffened.
He couldn't have heard that right. Eddie just said he looked sexy in his uniform and buck had to hurry as not to give himself away.
The third time It wasn't a sweet moment but a terrified one. They had been on a call at a house on a cliff that was crumbling and sliding down the cliff.
The homeowners were evacuated but as the team was heading back towards the exit the ground started to shake and buck lost his balance falling with the house off the cliff.
Eddie immediately tried to jump off to get to buck but hen holds him back
"we don't need both of you dying. If you want to help get a harness on now" she said and he did faster then he ever has.
Just as he finishes the radio goes off "Evan Buckley 118 I'm trapped under some pieces of house can't get out" it was cutting in and out but they got the most part. Chimney answers for the rest of the team.
"It's ok we are coming for you just stay still and don't try to pull yourself out" he said and when he hears bucks response everyone smiles.
"Couldn't even if I wanted to which I do" bucks response had them all sighing in relief he wasn't too hurt for jokes that was good.
Eddie looked to his side and found Bobby in a harness ready to go down. They had to get buck back.
When the two firefighters make it to where buck is they have to carefully move pieces to make sure buck doesn't get crushed more then he was or get impaled by anything.
It took a lot of work but when he was finally uncovered enough they got him out eddie checking over him with his eyes.
Bobby once they had buck out stepped to the side to call in to the hospital that they were bringing buck to who protested as he always does. That's when Eddie spoke, his brain so frazzled that he spoke Spanish.
"por favor hazte revisar, no puedo perderte" (please get checked out i cant lose you) buck understood all of it and froze.
Eddie didn't realize he understood it tell he nodded and Eddie looked shocked
"how did you?" He finally said English but his accent was still there.
Buck found it hotter then he should have "me and chris have been working on it I only understood the first few words" buck says and he knows he is lying but he didn't want Eddie to be embarrassed.
"Oh" is all he gets before they are off to the hospital.
The next time it happens Eddie clearly wasn't aware it happened. It was Friday and it was game night with Chris as always.
Eddie was standing in the kitchen looking out at buck who was talking to Chris leaving his ass in view. Buck wasn't too far from him so when Eddie makes a comment to himself buck overhears.
"Me encantaría ser tuyo" (i want to be yours) he says and buck blushed glad he was looking at chirs who was distracted by the game they were setting up.
He dicides he needed to do something Eddie is pretty much confessing his love in Spanish and buck knows it all. He stands turning to the kitchen before walking to it.
He grabs a beer before heading towards the door again. When he was at the doorway he turned his head and spoke before he could think better of it.
"Podrias ser mia" (you could be mine) he then left leaving Eddie standing in shock.
It took a few minutes before Eddie came out. It made buck worried that he misunderstood what he meant but when Eddie came into the room one look in his eyes tells him he wasn't wrong.
"Buck" Eddie says and buck feels tingles at the sound of Eddie's accent saying his name.
"Si?" He replies in Spanish just to make it better and he was glad he did, Eddie bites his lip in such a way that gets him hot.
"Se mia"(be mine) Eddie says almost quietly and buck smiles brighter
"Si, Sólo si eres mía" (yes, only if you'll be mine) as soon as the words are out of bucks mouth he feels Eddies lips against his own.
He kisses him deeper and held his waist Eddie holding his shoulders.
When they pulled away it was to an eww sound turning to see Chris who was smiling brighter then he had in a long while.
"Yay finally I have my two dads" he cheered which caused them to laugh
The night went by as they played games buck and Eddie closer to each other then before. Eddie's arm around bucks waist since he wasn't playing just watching.
Eddie was glad buck had understood him. There were no more secrets in Spanish just love and truth.

9-1-1 oneshots
Fanfictionmost buddie but it'll have the others and will probably have some chapters about Bobby being a dad.