Eventually everyone spreads out, and we all go our seperate paths... except for me and Luis, who end up sticking together. Luis: "Hey, look at this pokemon!" He then points to a Bellsprout. I look at Luis. "You never seen a Bellsprout?" Luis: "Not until now." A flock of Pidgey's then fly above us. Luis throws a pokeball, but misses. Luis: "Every time..." He walks to his pokeball that hit the ground and picks it up. "Dont worry. You'll get one next time." Luis smiles. Luis: "Yeah." We then continue to walk through the Route.
"Hey Luis, look at this!" I turn to Luis, and he runs towards me. Now we're looking over a tiny bush, at a Weedle, and a Caterpie. Both of them are sleeping. Luis: "Sweet! Guess i'll catch the Caterpie." "Right, then i'll catch Weedle!" We both look at each other and nod. We toss a pokeball, and they hit the pokemon of our choice. They shake once, twice, three times, and then our Pokeball's stop shaking, and we hear a PING! "Alright!" Me and Luis stand up and walk to our new pokemon. Luis: "Let's go, Pikachu. We caught our first pokemon!" "I'll name you Buzz." Luis turns to me while I have my Weedle in my hands. Weedle smiles as I say the name.
Luis: "Wait, so you give your pokemon nicknames?" I turn my head towards him and nod. "Yeah, I heard somewhere that by doing so, it helps raise your friendship with a Pokemon more easlier." Luis just stares at me blankly before nodding slowly. "Huh? You don't?" Luis: "No. I like my Pokemon's name already as it is." I sigh. I thought everyone nicknamed their pokemon.
We then see a figuire in the distance. Luis: "It's one of the other trainers." "Yeah? Then let's say hi." Luis looks at me and nods. We walk to the figuire slowly at first, but as the person spots us, we pick up the pace. I then noticed the same Jigglypuff i saw earlier, right beside its trainer. The trainer then waves at us friendly. We wave back. "Hello."
Luis: "Hello." The girl then looks at the Weedle, and Eevee on my shoulders, and then Luis's Pikachu standing next to him. ???: "Are you guys traveling together?" Both me and Luis answer her question at the same time. Luis: "Sorta." "Yup." ???: "Oh. Where are ny manners? My name is Rylee. What are your names?" "Ah, right. My name is Ethan." Luis: "And my name is Luis." Rylee: "Hello Ethan and Luis." A gust of wind then blows, and the wind flies through her hair. Rylee: "Not again-" The wind stops blowing, and she goes to fix her hair.
I then seem to scan her body before I realize I do. She has Black Hair, with a bit of purple (Must've dyed it a little.) Her face looked smooth, and her eyes seemed to be the color purple as well as her hair. She has Black pants that have no pockets from what I could see. And lastly, i see she has a butter yellow shirt, along with a pink bolero jacket that is partially over the shirt. ... She looks kinda cute- I then feel a nudge from my side, I turn and see Luis, elbowing me. Luis then whispers to me, but his voice is a little low, so I couldn't hear him. "What?" Luis leans in closer. Luis: "Why were you staring at her?" Before i can answer a gust of wind blows. I then realize that Luis and I are basically wearing the same thing except he has his hair moving left, a blue jacket, and some jeans on. I bet someone would mistake us for twins.
Rylee: "You guys look related... are you guys brothers?" "Nope." Luis: "No." Rylee looks at both of us before smiling. Rylee: "Well, it was nice meeting you guys. See you later!" She then runs away with her Jigglypuff following behind her. Once she is out of range, Luis starts to talk with his normal voice. Luis: "Why did you stare at her?" "I have no idea." Pikachu and Luis sigh. Luis: "Anyways, let's start getting our pokemon stronger. I heard there is a gym in viridian city." "Yeah, let's do that! A battle?" Luis shakes his head. Luis: "If our pokemon faint, it'll be more dangerous if were in the wild alone." Yeah, I guess that makes sense. "Ok, if you say so."
So we get back on the road and go through route 1.
My stomach then growls. "Haha, I guess im a little hungry." Luis: "Yeah...well, i didn't bring food with me, so let's pick up the pace." A drop of sweat rolls down my face. "Yeah, let's do that." We then start to run towards our destination, until a Spearow accidentally flies into Luis's head... somehow. The spearow then jumps off its head and jumps into the tall grass. Luis: "What was that?" "A Spearow." Luis gives a relived sigh. Luis: "Well, at least it didn't attack my head. That would've hurt." I nod. "Yeah, i guess so." I then feel weedle crawl down my body, to the tall grass. "Vee go with Buzz." Vee jumps off my shoulder and follows Buzz.
Spearow's and Pidgey's may find Buzz a good snack if they were to see him. Buzz then starts chewing on the tall grass. I guess Buzz was hungry, too.

Ethan's Pokemon Journey!
FantasyFinally! It's the day, 10 year old Ethan had dreamed of since he was a little kid. He finally gets to become a Pokemon Trainer! Thinking that his journey will be easy, he sets off to explore the Kanto Region. But he soon realizes the harsh reality o...