What's the plan?

871 48 15

Class group chat:

LeaderBunny: Alright, everyone you heard the teacher!

Lunatic: But didn't he say that our parallel class is gona chose what we do?

Feral: I wonder what that Dandelion will come up with.

Lionguard: What he gonna come up with? Something idiotic as always! If it were not for our leader he wouldn't have any great and funny ideas!

TigerKungFu: So we gonna rely on our leader again?

BugsLover: Got a better idea mister I can kick my chair each and every day.

TigerKungFu: ....

LeaderBunny: Well I do have a plan and I was talking with the Dandleion earlier too. I know what he wants to do.

BearWithMe: And?

Lunatic: I am curious as well.

BornToBeDONE: Soo?

LeaderBunny: He wants a dance off.

BurgerLover: AH COME ON!


BugsLover: The hell....

HuntersPromise: Fuck!

OneOfAKind: .... nooooooooo

LeaderBunny: It's decided unfortunately but we have to win this since it will be a show off between two classes.

BugsLover: I still hate this.

Cricket: Tell me something new.

BugsLover: Do we really have too?

LeaderBunny: What if I said we gonna go to a hero agency to film?

OneOfAKind: I am in.

BearWithMe: As in?

Lunatic: Which one though?

BornToBeDone: Good question? Does the number one has a hero agency?

TigerKungFu: No but Sir.Nighteye.

LeaderBunny: We are gonna target Hawks Agency since it is the one with the best security.

Feral: What has security to do with everything?

Lionguard: Do you have to ask?

HunterPromise: Well we gonna go with our Bunnies decision anyways, what's the point with asking?

Cricket: How about not to get in prisoned?

BearWithMe: With his quirk?

BearWithMe: Impossible!

BornToBeDone: Then what are we gonna do realistically speaking?

LeaderBunny: Are you really asking me that? 

LeaderBunny: Isn't it obvious?

Cricket: Now I am scared.

BedBug: Not only you.

Lionguard: Can we all agree that our dear Leader is not a villain?

Feral: But close to one you mean?

Lionguard: Do you actually have a death wish?

Lionguard: if you do ping him and tell him that.

Feral: As if he is not reading.

HunterPromise: Psssst! guys the teacher is looking at us all suspiciously.

BearWithMe: As if we are not sus....

GummyBear: Let's be honest, most of us are just following and looking at the texts messages.

LeaderBunny: That's fine. 

LeaderBunny: After all we need someone people distracting the people.... is it just me or is the teacher specifically looking at me..... 

Lionguard: Nah that's true! They are targeting you specifically.

LeaderBunny: I haven't done anything yet!

hunterPromise: You sure?

LeaderBunny: Yes?

Feral: How about that prink with the chair?

LeaderBunny: Is it still on?

Feral: I think sooo.

LeaderBunny: Alright, we all don't know anything about the chalk around the chair.....

BearWithMe: They won't notice until it's too late anyways.

Cricket: Who's idea was that tape a chalk to the table so that they will get painted when they sit on the chair thing?

BedBug: Mine.

BugLover: I helped....

LeaderBunny: And I screwed a bit on the chair around....

OneOfAKind: We gonna have a great show then.

Lunatic: As always! It's not gonna get bored around here for sure!

BornToBeDone: When was it ever boring?

Cricket: True....

Feral: Soo what are we doing with the agencies again?

LeaderBunny: Break in.

Lunatic: .... Can you text that again. I think autocorrect did something wrong here.

BugLover: Same.

BurgerLover: Yup 100% autocorrect.

LeaderBunny: WE

LeaderBunny: ARE

LeaderBunny: BREAKING

LeaderBunny: INTO

LeaderBunny: HAWKS

LeaderBunny: AGENCY.

LeaderBunny: Is this clear enough for you all now?

BornToBeDone: .... fuck.

Lunatic: I am thinking the same.

Fabulous: ... How are we.... a bunch of stupid students aka kids... gonna do that?

Feral: Hist quirk helps.

BugLover: And then what?

LeaderBunny: We perform there and take that video as background video when we perform for our school.

Feral: This is insane.

Cricket: Someone slap me because I think this is actual gonna be fun.

BurgerLover: Ama slap you.

BugLover: Careful of the teacher.

LeaderBunny: It's all gonna be fine! I will have your all back!

HunterPromise: Are you sure about that?

LeaderBunny: Yes. I can make the cameras and everyone else ignore us.

LeaderBunny: Don't forget my quirks name is "hiding" XD I am good at it.

HunterPromise: Pretty cool quirk not gonna lie.

Feral: So we really gonna do that?

GummyBear: Are we not gonna get in truble?

CrushSlushy: Ahm do we forget that they can't do anything to us since we are underaged?

BugLover: Are you sure about that?

CrushSlushy: My dad is a lawyer so he can get us out of any situation for sure.

BurgerLover: Guess it's a done deal then.

GummyBear: Guess so.

LeaderBunny: Seems that is it. Guys, get prepared. Let's meet up after school to discuss everything.

Everyone: Yes!

Hah... they say I am a lunatic... well it's not wrong...Where stories live. Discover now