i was wrong

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God i am so happy that Hailey understood the situation and that we're still together.

When i arrived at my house i went in and waited. I just wanted to stop this. Suddenly the bell rang.

„Oh hey, come in." I said. We went to my room and i told her that this wouldn't work out anymore.

Luckily she was as relieved as me and she went home right after we talked.

"Djucu?" i knocked at her door, hoping she would be home.

"Ansu? Come in!"

I sighed. Thank god this works great so far.

"Hey Ansu! Come sit down on my bed! What's up?" she's so nice and caring. I'm lucky to have a sister like that.

"Djucu, i have a problem..."
i explained the whole situation to her and by the end we were both crying as Djucu held me in her arms.

We decided to go and pick Hailey up so i called her to let her know.


Ansu called me to let me know he's coming to pick me up with Djucu. I'm so thankful for her help.

Suddenly the bell rang. I ran downstairs.

"Omg Ansu!" i hugged him so tight. We both had tears in our eyes.

"Hey Hailey!" Djucu said. I ran towards her and hugged her.

"Thank you so much for your help."

"Of course! Now come on, we have to save your relationship."

We drove to Ansu's house and i got so nervous. I felt sick to my stomach.

Half an hour later

"I will ring the doorbell and you two are going to wait behind me."
Me and Ansu nodded and looked at each other.

"Maybe the last time i'll ever look into these beautiful eyes." i thought to myself.

"Hello Djucu! Mi hija!" Ansu's mother hugged her and was clearly happy she was there. Until she saw me.

Her face expression changed from happy to... i don't even know what it was. Disappointment?

Ansu walked forward and held onto me.

"Hey mamá. This is my girlfriend Hailey. I would like to introduce you to her." Wow i didn't thought he would be this direct.

She just left the door open and walked into the living room. Djucu showed us with her eyes to go and follow her.

She comforted me so much.

I sat down right next to Ansu and looked down.

"What is this Ansu? I told you something about this!" she said to him. Why was she so rude? She just doesn't want to understand this.

"Mamá, listen to me, please."

"No, Ansu. Let her talk." she pointed at me. "If she is your girlfriend i'm sure she can introduce herself."

I looked to Ansu and he just nodded. Djucu wanted to interrupt but i decided to just do it.

"Hola, i'm Hailey. I'm happy to meet you!" i held out my hand.

To my surprise she took it and waited for me to continue.

"I met Ansu at his training because my father is his trainer." I looked at Ansu and decided to just be 100% honest.

If i will tell her how much i love him i'll maybe convince her.

"He noticed me and we started talking. Since then we started to meet and every time i saw him i noticed me getting nervous." Ansu smiled at me.

"He looked after me when i didn't feel good. And i did the same with him. We spend so much time together that i was lost when he wasn't with me.
Until he asked me to be his girlfriend. Since then i'm the happiest girl on earth. I love him."

Djucu teared up. Me and Ansu were looking at each other and smiled. I was hopeful again.

I noticed that we looked at each other for a very long time now and Ansu's mother didn't say something.
So i looked over to her.

She was crying. Ansu went to her and hugged her.

"Hey mom what's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry mi hijo! I'm sorry. I'm a terrible mother. I didn't thought that this was so serious." Then she looked up to me.

"Hailey you seem like such a nice girl. I was completely wrong and just thought about my position."

I was overwhelmed. I did it? She accepted me?

"Come here!" she said and hugged me tight.

"Thank you mom for giving her a chance. I'm still a bit sad about what you did but i'm sure you're doing the right thing now." Ansu said.

"I will do everything to make up for it. Now go and have a good time!" she said with a concerned but happy look on her face.

Me, Ansu and Djucu went up to Ansu's room.

Ty for reading!

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