Asaad - Asa
The house been extra silent for the past few days after I left Kesha and Isis alone so I could meet with Kilo, and make sure his ass didn't get jumped by the niggas who lived in the opposite end of his hood.
It wasn't the first time I let them alone together and usually when I got back, Kesha would complain about Isis's stay, or some other nonsense, but this time it was was just quiet and it lingered.
"You eat?" I asked, seeing that Isis was in the same spot she was in before I left - 14 hours ago.
"Mhm," she mumbled, laying down with her back faced towards me and I lightly sighed, bringing my myself into the room.
I took a seat beside her and held out a Gyro plate. "You don't gotta lie to me, Isis."
The way her body was slumped and her eyes were half open, I could tell she didn't wanna get up, but I wasn't having that today.
I placed the tray down and pulled her up so I could get her started on her day.
Lately, i've been removing work items out of the house. The drugs, gone. The weapons, gone. Even all of the crazy prescriptions she would bring were trashed and gone.
Right now she was going through some heavy withdraws. Isis couldn't even get herself up to shower or leave the premises. At some point I was even tryna ask momma for some advice.
I wish she could remember most things. I wish she could just tell me what to do, because Isis's actions were triggers to me.
Everything i've done, i've been doing, and i've wanted to do were influenced by momma. To see that she loved my father so much during his times of addiction that she went to school to be a rehabilitation therapist and opened up a center just so she could help him.
The saddest part is she doesn't even remember it. I can't even ask her what she's done or how I can fix this situation because she gives nothing but blank stares, running her mouth about my dad.
I never understood how everything was a blur to her except for him. He wasn't shit to be remembered about.
"C'mon," I motioned for her to sit, but she refused, so I took manners into my own hands and sat her up.
"I'm.. fine," Her faint voice struggled to release.
Her shoulders were slumped over and she was ready to slip back on her side, sleeping the day off again.
I placed my hand gently under her chin and around her lower cheek, tilting her head up while trying to keep from scanning her face any further.
Ignoring any other excuse she was about to fabricate, I filled the spoon, that was sitting in the gyro plate, and stuffed it straight into her mouth.
Clearly, it caught her off guard because her eyes widened and she nearly choked on the grains
"I'm not leaving till' you eat. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way."
With that, I dragged another scoop and did a double take into her mouth, which made her look at me crazy.
I know i'm not supposed to force people to do things they don't want to, especially when they're going through withdrawals, but I hated seeing Isis this way.

RomanceWhen you learn to appreciate life ; death scares you PARENT BOOK OF : Hollywoods • Completed