From the stop on Koboh, we ventured back to Jedha along with my ship after Cal and I ventured the ruins on Koboh and found something for Cordova to help find Dagan Gera. Cal accompanied me onboard the Tyrant while Greez and Bode took the Mantis.
"Why'd you want to take your ship back to Jedha?" Cal asked from the co-pilot seat.
"To have a secondary ship to get people to safety just in case. Saw did the favor to help me replace any Empirical tracking devices or anything related to that and destroyed the old stuff. Kind of a pity though, I had so much data on the Empire too."
"There was no convincing him to keep it?"
"Even though he said some stuff was worth keeping, he didn't want to risk it and to fight his own battle the way he thought was most efficient. Besides, I'm not too upset, given that most of that information is already up here." I tapped my head with a smile. "My ship gets a clean slate so to speak, and it's safer for everyone else including myself."
Once we got to back to the hidden location where Cere was, I shimmied the Tyrant down out of sight on a landing platform above the Mantis and off to the side. Exiting, we made out way down to the ground floor back to give Cordova the information we found.
"Y/n!" Khosuh greeted, delighted to see that I had made it back in one piece. "Anyone give you any trouble?"
I shook my head. "Not yet."
"That's becoming a common occurrence with you when you don't have me." Zane stated from over near a table, tapping away at a tablet. "Are you insinuating I'm a trouble magnet?"
"Droid, I think you and I are well aware that Y/n makes the trouble for herself, you're just along for the ride." Khosuh gave me a wink before venture back toward the table to rejoin with Zane.
I followed Cal over to Cordova, who took the device we found in hand and observed it, a bit disgruntled about the damage to it.
"Master Junda, the Empire is nearing the Pilgrim Sanctuary." Stated one of Cere's helpers. Heavy worry was laced in her tone to convey the emotions her covered face couldn't. "It's an excavation team, but it's too close for comfort.
Cal nodded for me to follow as we quickly walked over there. "Safe house?"
Cere looked wary. "Good, then they don't know about the safehouse."
"Yet." I stated, although trying not to sound Morose. Nothing was ever hidden for too long, despite much effort. That wasn't something I was about to openly share.
"Brother Armias isn't responding despite the many attempts to contact him." Said the Anchorite.
"For the refugees, it's hidden in the Ruins," Cere replied to Cal and I.
"Master Armias has the communication codes for the Hidden Path. If the empire gets their hands on it, its going to be at risk. I'll go get Brother Armias." Merrin began to walk past him and Cal pointed after her.
"I'm going with," He looked at me. "You coming?"
"If the Empire is here, it'd probably be best for me to help as much as I can here, given that it will allow us to observe them from afar. I can act as back-up in case anything goes wrong. Bode is staying to help Cordova, I'll help Cere and Khosuh were I can."
"You sure?" It looked like Cal wanted me to come.
I gave an encouraging nod. "Yes, I'll be fine. Be safe, okay?"
Cal gave me a quick kiss. "You too." He jogged off after Merrin, leaving me to go and help Cere.
As I was bent over the table, I combed through all of the Archive information. "Cere, did you ever thing to back all of this information onto something? Incase this place ever were to be discovered."

Ascension - Jedi: Fallen Order (Fanfic)
FantasyYou managed to escape being killed by Imperial soldiers when you were young, and have been hiding on Bracca for the last five and a half years, working up ranks to being captain of a transportation ship, hauling and selling downed imperial ship par...