Chapter 47. Death.

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Opera's pov:

I can finally take Iruma home with me. After all that happened I can talk to him about it. So much has happened since I last saw him, and so much still has yet to happen. I have much work left to do.

What am I talking about you might ask? Well, thats not for your ears. Thats not for his ears either, you'll discover that soon. If he asks why he had to stay at the Asmodeus residency I'll just tell him something else. He doesn't need to know.

"Hey, Opera!" I heard Iruma say from within the carriage. "Yes, Iruma?" I responded.

"Why didn't grandpa come to pick me up?" He asked, sounding a bit insecure. He's very easy to read, for me atleast.

"Oh, he's still at work. He is quite busy today and won't be home untill tomorrow." I said. "He would have loved to come, but he can't."

"Oh, okay.." Iruma said, quiet and a bit dissapointed. His tone then got a lot happier when asking another question. "What will we have for dinner today?"  He asked. "You'll see that soon." I said. I could hear Iruma pouting from within the carriage. "Operaaaaa, I wana know!" He said stubbornly. "Its a suprise." I just added.

He then shut up for a while before untimately asking me more questions. However this time he asked me something that I didn't expect. "What is a condom?" He asked in a monotone voice. I took a breath to answer before the question ringed in my mind.

I stopped the horses abruptly, and walked into the back of the carriage to look if he was serious. "Opera? Why did you stop the carriage?" He asked while I opened the door. He looked at me, confused. "Is it something bad? Like a weapon or a curseword?"

"How do you know what that is, Iruma?" I said. I was very strict about things like these. What I mean with that is things he isn't supposed to learn yet. Even if he is a teenager he shouldn't be learning too much about these subjects. I think he should have learned ages ago, but Sullivan forbids me from teaching him.

Iruma responded to me innocently. "Kalego sensei showed me one from Asmodeus's bag and he was embarrassed. Im curious, why did that embarras him so much?"

I think ive held onto the rule Sullivan made for long enough. "Because its for something private." I responded. "Like what?" He asked.

"Ill tell you once we're at home and once you you've had dinner." I said, closing the door again. Ill make him eat dinner first, that way he will have eaten something and won't have losen his appetite. Iruma looked even more confused than before.

Eventually the carriage got home and I opened the door of the carriage, letting Iruma out. He seemed to be in his own world, a little confused to the world around him.

Me and him then walked up to the door, I unlocked it with a special key and we went inside. I put my shoes in the hall, Iruma followed, also removing his shoes.

"If you want you can go ahead and play some video games in your room. Before that go put some new clothes on though, and don't eat any snacks as I will be preparing dinner." He nodded sweetly before leaving of to go to his room.

I walked into the kitchen, and opened the refrigerator, welcoming about 40 new uncooked meals. Today I was trying out something different with the food. Instead of making him eat mean with vegetables I wanted him to try out an alternative. Red meat isn't good for the body after all, so I made a replica of the meat plant based just to try it out. If its good we will eat it more, if its not we wont and ill try another alternative, like eating more fish and chicken.

I have a good idea for the chicken how.. I'll make sure to send the chi- Kalego a photo of that. He is a bird after all, delicious served grilled with all kinds of spices. And we can't forget the hellgreat tea!

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