Chapter 4

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Jimmy leads the crew through the building.

Jimmy: "I'll give ya three weeks, Moon. Three weeks to get this show up and running okay."

Buster: "Yes sir! Thank you!"

Ash: "Moon, do you really know Clay Calloway?"

Buster: "Shhh. Not now."

They exit an elevator on the rooftop where Jimmy's helicopter awaits him.

Jimmy: "Jerry, I want these guys to start work right away. Set em up with our designers, our dancers, whatever they need. And get them rooms at the hotel, okay. With every best suites in the whole shaboodle."

Jerry: "Yes sir."

Jimmy turned to Buster once more.

Jimmy: "Hey, one last thing. Don't you ever do nothing to make me look bad. You got that?"

Buster: "Oh I will never let that happen sir."

Jimmy: "You better not, or I'll throw you off the roof. And that goes for your assistants too."

Buster chuckled nervously.

Po: "Does that include me?"

Balto: "You watch, he will keep his promise. I'll make sure."

Jimmy: "Great job everyone. Take it away, Raul."

He enters the helicopter with his bodyguards and it leaves the scene. While it left, Jerry was knocked down by the powerful gust that the helicopter created, and his paperwork flew all over the place.

Carla: "I can't believe it!"

Rosita: "Oh my gosh! Is this really happening?"


Johnny: "Yes we are, Gunter!"

Roberto: "We're in the big leagues now!"

Buster: "Gunter, sci-fi musical! You're a genius!"

Gunter: "Yeah, well, Mama always said "Gunter, you're not as stupid as your Papa.""

Buster: "No you're not!"

Balto: "I don't know if that's a compliment or not."

Buster: "Hey, Suki, Diane, no hard feelings, huh?"

Suki: "You have no idea what you're getting in to."

Diane: "Seriously, all that you said to him better be done. Especially Clay Calloway."

Ash pulls Buster away from them.

Ash: "Are you out of your mind?"

Buster: "What?"

Bodi: "What do you mean, what?"

Ash: "Clay Calloway."

Germur: "One of the biggest rock stars ever."

Bodi: "More legendary than Angus Scootergood, God rest his soul."

Ash: "I'm like his biggest fan. And I can tell you, the guy is a wreck loose. Seriously, after his wife died, no one's seen him in over 15 years!"

Buster: "Ah, that's not good."

Ash: "No it's not."

Buster: "Uhhhhhhh, Miss Crawly, Jenna, I need you to help me find Clay Calloway."

Jenna: "How so?"

Buster: "An address, a phone number, anything. We gotta find that guy."

Miss Crawly: "Yes sir."

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