Chapter 1

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Moonwatcher POV 🌙

A black haired girl sat quietly beside a pink and blonde haired girl who was squealing at what she just told her. "You like winter!" The pink haired girl squealed. " you mean mister'I hate everyone and everything?' That guy?" The black haired girl sighed. "Yes kinkajou I do." "Go tell him then! It's only been one week since the school semester started and you two have been hanging out a lot lately." The black haired girl lifted a eyebrow at her friend. "Really?" Kinkajou grabbed the black haired girls hands and pumped them up and down. "Of course Moon! You got this!" Moon smiled at her friend. "Ok ok let's go back to school before someone misses us." Kinkajou jumped off the bench and  twirled her pink hair with one finger. "It's saturday and no one should be busy." She mused thoughtfully. "You should try tonight." Moon felt herself blush. 

"I'll try, but I don't know if I'll succeed." Moon commented, following her friend to her car. She flipped her hair back and opened the door to hop in. Kinkajou sat in the back. "Don't worry." Kinkajou said in a sympathetic voice. "The worst he could say is no." That's what I'm afraid of. Moon thought. Moon started driving trying to ignore the squeaking sound that came from kinkajou. "Hmmm?" Moon asked.

"Oh nothing." Kinkajou told her quickly. "So how's Turtle?" Moon asked. The black haired girl checked the mirror in front of her. Kinkajou was blushing. Ha I knew she liked Turtle. They'd make a very cute couple. "Good, yesterday he helped me with my homework." "Again?" Moon asked with a laugh. Kinkajou blushed even more and hid her face  behind her hair. Aww she's so cute when she's embarrassed. Moon thought. Then her mind wandered to winter, her handsome friend. "Finally we're back!" Kinkajou sighed, flipping her mini pink backpack over her shoulder. Moon parked in her spot and hopped out of the car. Kinkajou hopped out as well. 

"Remember the party is tonite." Kinkajou called as she ran for the front door. Moon followed more slowly. Then she spotted Someone familiar near the front door of jade college. The boy looked up as she approached. " Moon what's up?" "Hey Qibli." Moon replied." You seen winter?" The blonde haired boy frowned. "Yea he went to the library with Turtle to help with something special." Something special? Hmmm? "Thanks Qibli." Qibli took out his phone and looked at it instead of her.

"Your welcome." He muttered. "Remember the party at 7." Moon reminded him. Qibli didn't answer or look up, but his frown deepened. Moon pushed the door open and went inside. Why does he always do that when I mention winter? She thought with annoyance. I can't have one normal conversation with him.

Moon opened the door to her dorm and dropped on the bed. Kinkajou wasn't here, moon guessed she was getting supplies from Turtle. Moon pulled out her phone, there was a text from her mom which read: Hope schools been fun for you I miss you 💕💕💕. Moon sighed. It would be fun if I didn't have a giant crush on my friend since grade 3. Moon threw down her phone and layer down, closing her eyes. Why is everything so complicated? She thought as she accidentally drifted off.

Kinkajous POV 💛

Kinkajou bounced up the stairs, trying not to drop the bags of chips and bottle of pop she bought. As she approached her dorm she tripped and fell, dropping all her snacks. The pink haired girl groaned and started picking them all up. "Clumsy oaf." Kinkajou turned to glare at a red haired boy with a scar right over one of his eyes. "Shut up Flame!" She spat. Flame rolled his eyes and walked away. Kinkajou kicked open the door to the dorm and dropped the snacks on the ground.

She looked around for moon and saw her sleeping in her bed. Aww I almost feel bad that I have to wake her. She thought. Kinkajou closed the door and went up to her friends bed. "Moon." Kinkajou hissed, shaking her shoulder. Moon looked up groggily. "Huh? What? Whattimeisit?" Kinkajou checked her phone. "6:50 come on I need you to help me set up." Moon got up rubbing her eyes. "Ok kink let's do this."

Kinkajou giggled. "Exited to see winter tonite?" She teased. Moon blushed. "Idk maybe..." kinkajou smothered her giggled and went to get a bowl and some plastic cups. "Really? You got Pringle's?" Moon sighed. Kinkajou lifted her eyebrow at her friend. "What're you talking about? Everyone loves Pringle's!" She protested. "If you say so" moon muttered. Kinkajou dumped the chips 8pinto the bowl as her phone chimed. Kinkajou drew out her phone to check it. It was from Qibli. Hey kink should I bring anything? I got some spicy chips. "Yesss." Kinkajou squealed, causing moon to look up. Plz bring them 😍I love spicy chips. Lol I know u do. Anyway I'm coming rn if that's ok. Of course we're done setting up anyway. See ya in two secs. Kinkajou instantly heard a knock on the door.

That'll be Qibli. Moon answered the door and qibli stepped in the dorm. "Spicy chips?" Qibli said with a smile. Kinkajou grabbed the bowl of chips and handed it to him. The blonde haired boy ripped open the bag and dumped them in. Kinkajou kept in the bathroom to put on her favourite pink top. When she came back out Turtle was there. Turtle straightened his green sweater, then noticed her. Both teens looked at each other before kinkajou broke eye contact. "Wow kink you really know how to host a party." Qibli commented. "Thanks."

"Who are we missing?" Turtle asked looking around. "Winter." Qibli sayer with an edge in his voice. "He went out but he said he'd be back around 6." As if a signal there was a knock on the door. Finally we can get started. Kinkajou opened the door and winter entered. He was wearing his normal blue and red flannel with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Winter ran a hand threw his white hair. "I'm I late." He muttered. "By two minutes." Kinkajou said with a shrug. "Let's get this party started!" Qibli cheered.

It was about 11:30 at night and most of her friend had a lot of pop and chips. Qibli, to be exact, was very crazy. Winter didn't drink anything or eat any chips, he kinda just sat there, talking to Turtle. Turtle might of had one to many chips and pop too. Cause he was kinda crazy. And me? No idea! At least I hope I'm not being insane. Moon kept glancing at winter, as she continued to drink n her   Already empty cup. Suddenly qibli sat up tipping only a little. "I know!" He said excitedly."let's play spin the bottle." Moon sat up quickly. "Yes!" All her friends nodded in agreement. Best Saturday night ever! 

"Everyone in a circle!" Qibli ordered. Everyone sat down and Qibli set down the full pop bottle. "Kinkajou go first!" Kinkajou reached over and spun the bottle as hard as she could. Land on Turtle, plz land on Turtle.  The bottle stopped on qibli. Sounds of shock and amusement cane from her friends. Kinkajou sighed.

The pink haired girl leaned over and kissed qibli on the cheek. A squeal came from moon. "My turn." Qibli cheered. "What's the point of this game?" Winter asked. Turtle shrugged. "It's just fun." Winter made a scoffing noise just as the bottle landed on him. Qibli looked up, was that delight she saw on his face?, and gave him a look. Winter looked at him looking kinda shocked. Kinkajou knew he was kinda touchy. "Come on winter." Winter glared. "No absolutely not." Qibli gave him a teasing look. "Come on-" "no!" Winter shouted. And he stormed out of the dorm.

Well that's it for the first chapter 😋

Anyway how do you think he was gunna react, just like: "ok I'll just kiss my friend, sounds fun!" Lol 😂 

I kinda feel bad for winter...

Kinda I said kinda

Anyway I hope you enjoyed and I'll do the next chapter soon. 

1363 words


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