Training is Over

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"Prat" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

*Smokes* -action

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -writing/messages/news

'Vision'- memories/visions being seen

Chapter 5: Training is Over


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Start Chapter¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Third Pov:

It has been 2½ days now in the real world and Harry is now walking out of what the goblins call the Time Chamber aka Tume Delay Chamber. The chamber had been set for 1 hour in the real world equal to 1 month inside the chamber. So for Harry, he got 4½ years of training in 2½ days. While in the chamber Harry learns and trains in many things while in the chamber. Some of those things are multiple different martial arts, mastering normal Occulmency and Ligemilimency reaching mastery with Occulmency and near mastery Ligemilimency, next after mastering normal Occulmency he started learning the battle Occlumency  qhich will take time to master. Battle Occlumency is a more advanced form of Occulmency that not many learn now a days let alone master, other things he took the time to do was learn about different weapons which he trained with a goblin who was a master in that weapon, he learned and trained in gymnastics, other things he did was learn to get better control of his Metamorphmagus and  Zooanimagus abilities. 

In Zooasnimagus Harry has already master a form which he plans to be what he register as since he needs to registers as a animagus but he plans to keep his other forms a secret or that he has m,ore then one form only those he trust will know of his other forms. Some other things the goblins helped him in was to control his mage sense and mage sight. All in all with the help of the goblins Harry had gotten better control of some of his newly unlocked abilities and not yet controlled magic. He also already start the steps to learning about and mastering all his other unlocked abilities that he yet to discover which the goblin said that it is all unklnown what all abilities he will discover to have. It was through the training Harry found out he was an elemental wizard and a seer which the goblins helped him train in contolling a bit better as long he doesn't loose control of his anger his elemental ability will be fine. It was also thropugh his training that Harry actually found out that he has beast speak which he was trained in.  While in the time chamber Harry read, study, trained, and drank nution potions and growth potions. 

At the beginning of his time in the chamber Harry met with the goblin head healer whoi had done a thural check up and cleaned Harry of many potions and blocks. Along with fix many of his old injuries which took a few days in the the time chamber while in real world it was not that long. Other things he learned while in the time chamber was goblin warding even was gifted his own copies of goblin books that he can take with him.  Other things that Harry has done in the last 2½ days was go through all the mail he received over the years. Harry was very happy that he was doing this in the time chamber because he got to respond to every single one of them and have them sent out. Harry had been polite to all who wrote him and everything. Though many of those who he was writing to were also the same ones who not even a few weeks back had been sending him hate mail for being a parselmouth.  He knew that the british wizarding world was sheep so he needed to work that in his favor. Harry was happy because he found out that playing the part of a sad confused lost orphan had work since his godfather was going to be getting a trial. Another thing that had happened was Peter Pettigrew had been found. Harry had figure out that Scabbers was Pettigrew thanks to his master level of normal Occulmecy Harry was able to remember everything even as far back to the day he was born and it was thanks to his memories he knew that petigrew was scabbers. It also help that it was proven when Harry had looked at a magical world map that proved it. 

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