New Plans

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Entry 373:

"Blessing" has been practicing his powers a lot recently.  It's beyond me why Origin doesn't find this suspicious, since he's already fulfilled his purpose at this point.  He's been thinking about creating his own steve race, probably because Dream has told him about the Winter Steves.

This plan will have to be put into action as soon as possible.  Maybe after the creation process, when The First Curse will still be weak.  It's my best chance at ending this once and for all.  The Judge might not even try to intervene at this point.

Of course, that's very wishful thinking.

I might have to implement my other ideas before going through with this.  I can already tell that the plan needs some tweaking.


I was exhausted the next morning, but forced myself to get up and out of bed.  I didn't want to be too late to meet these new steves.  For a minute, I debated going in my Judge clothing.  The savanna was a dangerous place to be, with Genesis popping in and out.  Then again, since the Winter Steves were recently created, he would probably still be helping his brother welcome them into the world.  Besides, the savanna was hot.

With a T-shirt and jeans on, I went upstairs to grab the cookies.  As I packed a few away, I noticed several missing.  Amber had obviously been eating them while my back was turned.  I'd need to put them behind some kind of child lock, I guess.  I didn't want to deal with him going on a sugar rush.

"Great!  You're up!  Now, when's Hypno getting here?"  Amber asked, clutching onto his own bag of cookies.  "I wanna go to the village!"

"It's still pretty early."  I reminded him, grabbing an apple from the pantry.  "I doubt Tonic and Turquoise are up for visitors yet."

"Even visitors with cookies?"  Amber said skeptically.

I had time to finish my apple before the thunder sounded, announcing Hypno's arrival.

"You ready to go?"  I asked Amber, turning as Hypno reached over to grab a cookie for himself.  "Hey!  Leave some for the rest of us."

"Who's teleporting you again?"  he sassed back, pulling us both close.  "Hold on tight."

Although the lightning hit all three of us, I arrived in the savanna alone.  I figured Hypno must have gone with Amber to the village.  It made sense, since his appearance could be a little startling to steves who weren't used to it.  It was better to play it safe for now.

It was a good thing I hadn't gone in my cloak.  The sun was still low in the sky, but I could feel its heat all the same.  I hoped Lime would get here before the chocolate chips in the cookies melted.

Thankfully, he didn't take long.  Within fifteen minutes, a crash of lightning sounded, and Lime appeared.  I immediately noticed the huge backpack slung over his back, probably filled with supplies for his exploring.  It looked pretty heavy, though.

"Do you need some help with that?"  I asked skeptically.

"Of course not, I'm fine."  he waved me off, leading the way further into the savanna.  "Besides, it's just one bag, it would look kind of silly carrying it between us."  I thought briefly of Elemental's bag, which had infinite space without getting too heavy.

"Maybe I could try something with my energy, though."  I insisted.  "You might not want to carry that around all the time."

"Did you even take your medicine this morning?"  Lime asked skeptically.  I froze.  He was right, I had totally forgotten.  "Besides, Hypno took your staff.  I'm not sure what you would use."  Another good point.  Wow, I was off my game today.

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