[3] pretty trio sapnap

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»hey aly we're here, c'mon wake up« foolish slightly shook his sister. They had just landed and everyone started getting off of the plane. Alyssa packed up her headphones and took her backpack, following noah off the airplane.

»hey man, yeah we just got out suitcases so we'll be out in a few minutes. Okay great, see ya« foolish spoke to karl on the phone.

The two siblings walked throught the airport and alyssa insisted on stopping at a starbucks to get something to eat and a drink. Noah agreed eventualy and they got karl some stuff aswell. a few minutes later they finally came out of the airport and the first thing they saw was karl, standing infront of his car, talking to someone on the phone.

»karl!« foolish screamed, laughed and ran to him. Karl hang up and started laughing aswell. the two hugged and greeted eachother. When they seperated karl looked behing his friend and saw his sister smiling at him.

»im glad you came. i hope this isn't too weird« he chuckled as he walked over. »no, of course not. Thank you for inviting me« she smiled. Karl opened his arms with a questioning look and she only smiled and hugged him. She than handed him his drink and food and the three of them got into karls car and drove to his place.

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»the fans are gonna freak« alyssa laughed. The three friends were sitting in karls living room, just talking, with iCarly on the tv as the backround noise.

»they are gonna eat this up« noah laughed aswell. »so what are the plans for these two weeks?«

»well actualy nick, or sapnap« he looked at alyssa »called me before you guys landed and he said that he'll come visit since we haven't hung out in a bit«

»that's really nice of him« alyssa smiled »doesn't he live in florida? And he's coming here?«

»yeah he wasn't planning on coming that soon but they were in new york and they would have to switch planes here anyways so he's just gonna stay instead of going to florida« karl explained and alyssa nodded. It was getting late so the group decited to call it a night and go to bed.

The next morning alyssa woke up last. When she walked in the kitchen the other two were already talking about a cooking stream that will apperently happen this week. She grabbed a bowl and poured in the cerial that were on the counter. When she poured in the milk, thats when the other two actualy noticed that she woke up.

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