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Narrator POV

Bella got two move tickets she wanted to ask her crush but she got rejected because she was a 'fag' then out of nowhere Devin, the school bully heard about this and wanted to go with her.

Bella POV

A fag. A fucking fag, really?

I sat there in the stall, crying as the encounter of me and my crush replayed through my mind.

Now background, I'm well gay and I finally grew up the nerve to ask my crush out to the movies then she rejected me in the worst way possible and now everyone knows I like girls.

Then I heard the restroom door open, oh no.. they might hear me, I need to be quiet.

They walked up to every stall pushing on the doors opening them until she got to mine tapping on the door, not opening it because of the lock.

"Bella, you in there?" The voice asked instantly recognizing it.


"Bella? I know it's you in there, why are you hiding?" She asked as she stood at the stall door confusing me even more.

How did she even know I was in here?

"Anyone i-in my s-situation would be h-hiding." I replied my stutter coming out as she stayed silent.

Is she homophobic too? Oh no..

"Why? Are you ashamed?" She asked.

"Well y-yeah everyone in t-this sc-school knows I'm gay." I replied as she stayed silent.

"Open the lock please." She said as I stood there.

I thought about it for a minute before opening the door to see Devin standing there as soon as she saw me a smile came to her face.

"Thank you." She said walking in the stall before grabbing my things making me confused.

"HEY! Wh-what are you doing?" I asked as she now held all my things with a smile.

"We have a movie to catch don't we?" She asked as I stood there shocked before nodding.

What is happening? I thought to myself as I followed her outside the bathroom and then the school leading us to her car.

"Don't be shy get in." She said happily as I opened the car door getting in, sitting down, and then buckling up as she started the car.

"May I see those tickets?" She asked as I nodded handing them to her.

"Ah we are seeing a horror movie, the.. Meg 2: the trench, good choice." She said with a smile as she pulled out of the parking lot.

The drive was quick because the theaters was about 5 to 10 minutes away from the school so we got there quickly.

We got out of the car and she grabbed my hand leading me into the movie theater making me chuckle.

"Ok what snacks do you want? My treat." She said as I looked at the bored.

"Can you get me a pretzel, mike Ike's, and vitamin water?" I asked her as she smiled nodding.

"Of course." She replied before going up to the line and ordering our food she got me mine and she got herself pizza and water.

"Ready to go now?" She asked.

"Yeah, but um question." I said as she looked at me.

"Ask away." She replied.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you hanging out with me? Or even going to the movies with me?" I questioned as she smiled.

"One, Because I wanna hand out with you two, I wanna hang out with you because I didn't want you too waste perfectly good tickets and I didn't want you to go alone, lastly I'm going with you because I may or may not like seeing you cry over a douche bag." She replied as a smile finally came to my face.

"Thank you Dev." I thanked as she was taken back by the nickname but replied happily.

"No problem Ella now let's go see people get eaten." She said happily making me chuckle as we walked into the theater.

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