"Always barbaric Saeval, it seems you have not grown up I am ashamed for your son Nyvorlas when he is of age he will never be able to find a mate with you being like that" said Kelvhan as he stood up along with Taerel both having an identical smirk on their faces
"The old goat is an idiot he will need to be sorted with" making the Elves nod when Taerel finally spoke up
"He has kept me here since Samhain or as the humans called it All Hallows Eve, when he used a ritual to take me here to participate in this tournament that they had planned, they managed to bring me here with my old name, I do not know how they got that since I have never been in this Realm since I was but a babe" he bowed to Ruehnar again and moved out of the way when he walked towards him
1* ଛୋଟ ନୁହେଁ ଚିନ୍ତା କର ସେ ତୁମକୁ ଆଉ ନେଇଯିବେ ନାହିଁ, ତୁମେ ମୋ ପାଇଁ
2* ତୁମର ଉଚ୍ଚତା ମୋର ସାଥୀ ଅଛି ମୁଁ ଚାହେଁ ଯଦି ସେମାନେ ଚାହାଁନ୍ତି ଆମ ସହିତ ଆସନ୍ତୁ, ମୁଁ ଶୁଣୁଛି ଫ୍ରଷ୍ଟ ପରିବାର ଆମକୁ ଭଲ ଭାବରେ ଜାଣନ୍ତି
Ruehnar smiled he knew the Frost family and looked around to see if he could spot one of them and seeing Charity and Severus together he knew that they had to be the mates Taerel was talking about
"Very well young one, I can see I won't be able to marry you off to one of my own but you will be working as ,y advisor within court"
"Thank you your Highness for understanding" he bowed again and gestured to both of to come over
Once over Taerel introduced them both "I would like to introduce my two mates Severus Tobias Snape Prince and Charity Frost"
"You've done well a rare black Veela and a Kitsune to say the least, they will be part of the court like you Taerel, I know the Prince family they are skilled Potioneers and the Fost family well they are of the Japanese yokai, very well known" said Ruehnar to them watching as now bowed and curtsied to him making him nod in approval
"Now we will see about why my prodigy was summoned when he was meant to be at court that very day" he walked right up to Dumbleshit and smiled
"Nothing but a babe this one in his early 100's compared to our Taerel that is, his mates are very young but they will age properly once back home, I suggest a trail...."
The Heads of the Realms all nodded while Taerel held his mates close to him
"A trail for what? nothing seems to be amiss" said Dumbleshit to them but all Ruehnar did was turn to him
"Why yours for kidnapping".....
1* Worry not young one he will not take you again, you are to me mine2* Your Highness I have mates i would like them to come with us if they want, I hear the Frost family knows us well
...........King Ruehnar Aywin Xyeiros, King of the Realm
Husband to Keerla Meira (F)
Father to Folre Rue and Elion Keerla (F, F)Saeval Rokian Reyphine, head of the family of Warriors
Husband to Selphie Amarillo (F)
Father to Nyvorlas Zinhice (M)Glabduil Yellar Zylphyra, head of the family of Nature the four elements
Husband to Filaurel Taenya (F, dead)
Father to Meriel Lorakas and Methilda Sarra (F, F)Darshee Urilen Leofaren, head of the family of Animals
Wife to Alas Heiydark (M, dead)
Mother to Lhoris Trismus, Felaern Ardyrill and Talindra Nyana (M, M, F)Orym Rhalyf Sarkalyn, head of the family of Spirits
Husband to Vulre Aiwin (M)
Father to Nithenoel Eljyre (F)
Taerel and the Tournament
FanfictionTaerel aka Harry was raised as a High Elf when he landed in their world not knowing what his name was he was giving a new name Taerel, he was trained with his new family the Heikrana's to become a Healer, nothing said about him learning to defend hi...
45. 🧝🧝♂️The Elves Arrive🧝♂️🧝
Start from the beginning