Minho changed his form too ... A white shirt that clinged to his body for it's dear life and a black half jacket with it ... A harness in his arm and a small thin choker in his neck...tight jeans that made his thigh shape look even more attractive..his eyes glowing red

"Are you going for a ramp walk? Or a kpop idol performance?" Seungmin asked while rolling his eyes

" Step aside peasant~ this is my vampire fit Don't say anything about it"Minho said with a sass as if he was a queen *plays queeencard*

"So what are your powers?"

"Vampirism, Flight, Scaling Walls, Superhuman Stamina, Atmokinesis, Pyrokinesis, healing, senses"

[ Pyrokinesis - Vampires have control over fire and can summon heat and fire with their minds and hands.

Atmokinesis - Vampires are able to control the weather within limits. They could direct the fog, control the direction and the force of the wind, or even call down bolts of lightning to strike its enemies.

Flight - The unique ability known to defy gravity and move towards anywhere in the air.

Scaling Walls - Vampires can scale walls like spiders and still act like they were walking on the ground with their capes and clothes falling towards their feet instead of the soil.

Vampirism - Vampires have sharp, pointed, retractable fangs that extend beyond their human teeth. Vampires are said to mainly bite the victim's neck, extracting the blood from a main artery. ]

The outfit( I always wanted Minho to wear something like this 😭)

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The outfit( I always wanted Minho to wear something like this 😭)

The outfit( I always wanted Minho to wear something like this 😭)

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The hairstyle

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