Marinette had enough. She was getting too much harassment from her classmates she was getting bullied, cyber-bullied, threats and more.
Bur what her class didn't expect was that when they went on thier trip to China there were surprises for them and...
The sound of the princess of england was heard she was shocked that the princess of china was coming back.
She hadn't even seen her for such a long time since they were little, she wondered how did she even look like know, would there relationship improve and how was nath doing since they do talk on the phone.
But know she is forced to marry the princess she didn't even want anything to do with her.
"Why was I not told of this?" Y/n said calming but inside she was raging.
"Angel. You need someone to take over and be with you by your side and Princess Mei-Xiao Ling is the perfect queen for you. and the two of you had known each other since you were little. so wouldn't it be nice to reconnect with an old friend." her mother cheered in excitement
"Yeah a friend who for some reason hated me and didn't want anything to do with me." her daughter rolled her eyes.
"Y/n your 17 years old you two can get along so well" her mother tried to say
"Yeah and i bet when she comes back she'll be a entitled spoiled brat."
"Stop with this nonsense y/n i won't tolerate it." her mother walked out of her room leaving the princess all by herself.
At the airport the MPS had made it to china, they were know out of the airport.
"Finally were here!" Chloe yellled excited that she was final in china.
"Hey,look the class is there." Nathaniel points to the group by the airport doors
The others look and sure enough Lila's herd of sheep are right there with Lila telling stories to them all about china.
"No! I don't want to ride with them especially with that liar!" Chloe yelled
"Don't worry I told my father already the bring in my limo." Marinette said as they were now waiting for the car.
The class were all talking when suddenly rose pointed towards something.
They all looked to see a limo driving infront of the airport as the coach comes out of the car.
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"I'm pretty sure that's the princess's limo" Max explained.
"Really?" Kim asked
Lila then spoke up.
"Oh yes the princess obviously got this for me since i am her bff" Lila spoke
"OMG You're so lucky Lila." Rose said smiling
Lila walked towards the Limo till the driver stops her from entering the limo she was confused wondering why he wasn't letting her inside.
"Excuse me?" Lila said batting her eyelashes.
"Excuse you?" the driver said
"Why are you blocking me?" she asked sweetly while the driver was ignoring the glares that he was getting from the class.
"Because this limo isn't for you miss." he answered back
Before Lila could convice the driver to let her inside Marinette,Chloe,Nino,Juleka and Nathaniel came towards the limo
Lila's eyes widen but inside she's raging how were they here they were meant to be at paris so they don't ruin everything.
"Move Rossi." Marinette commented Lila angirly glared at her that no one noticed the driver saw the princess and her friends he opens the door and allows them inside.
As they get inside they were all surprised at how the inside looked like before marinette could enter she felt a grip on her arm she looked to see Alya angirly glaring at her.
"What the hell is wrong with you!? This limo was sent for lila none other than the princess herself! Stop being jealous and stop stealing everything from her!" Alya yelled as Lila was crying saying how she was stealing her ride while the class was arguring with her and all were nods.
"Yeah Marinette stop being mean to Lila!"
"All she did was try and be friends with you and this is what you do!"
"Lila is besties with the princess she can tell you all the rude things you've done to her!"
"You such a horrible person! Bullying Lila can't believe we befriend someone like you!"
The driver seemed calm on the outside but inside he was raging to see a bunch of nobody's bullying the princess like this they would face the consequences of their actions.
He was about to stop this but first took that peasent's hands off the princess .
"Bú (No)" Marinette told him
"Dán tamen dui bixia shuo de shi kepa dehua. (But they are saying horrible things to you your majesty.)" He said
"Bie danxin wo fuqin hi duifu tamen, youqi shi na gen xiangchang mao de. (Don't worry my father will deal with them especially that sasuage hair one.)
The driver frowned but nodded cause he couldn't argue with the princess since he was loyal to the family.
The class were confused as to what they were saying even Adrien.
"I didn't know she spoke chinese." Adrien thought since Lila said that she was friend with somemany celebrities no one needed to do some work so they had forced him to give up on his chinese classes.
"Yoon this is Chloe Bourgeois Ta shi ni nuo de nu pengyou (she's nino's girlfriend), this is Nathaniel and Juleka Na sa ni shi y/n l/n pengyou (Nathaniel is y/n l/n friend) They'll be staying with us." Marinette announced
Yoon nodded and began taking there things and packing them inside the trunk
Marinette yet again tried to enter till Alya grabbed her wrist again.
" Cesaire." she said in a dark tone that at first frighten her but she still held that angered look on her face.
Alya ignored her and raised her hand about to slap her till Marinette grabbed her wrist she was so sick of all of these she got the girl to let go of her wrist and went inside the limo as Yoon got inside and began the drive to the palace.