Episode 7 part 1: the fortress invasion

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Y/n's pov:

I check on my phone and saw messages of hibiki and rest of girls text message about my where abouts since yesterday and i text them about milk and training until i notice a ice castle or more like fortress, i put my phone away as Edward was about to explain.

Edward: alright people listen up, where approaching to our target is this fortress - shows the image of the enemie's fortress-

Edward: alright people listen up, where approaching to our target is this fortress - shows the image of the enemie's fortress-

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Y/n: okay? Thats seriously superman's fortress of solitude man, cheap bastards

Evol: superwho?

Edward: anyways, this fortress is one of 3 fortress held by each overlord and its guardians and titans plus-

Miillarc: did you say titans?

Edward: yes i say titans now-

Edward: yes i say titans now-

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Toby aka the blue king

Toby: oi Edward, looks like there titan is waking up! - says driving the plane-

Edward: which one exactly?

Edward: which one exactly?

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Jin aka the black king

Jin: the titan who say was my ancestors encounter that almost destroy my kingdom with his strength and ancient tech-

Y/n: giganto?

Jin: ....you son of bitch

you son of bitch

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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