At the dull Police Station, once more. I was attended by Abigail and Markus who helped me along the way with my issue as they filled in a Police Report for me whilst I was making a phone call to my Network provider, describing the hindrance to them so they can make sure they can disable access to my phone from the thieves who stole it. The blazing heat hitting across my head from the windows wasn't doing me any good; even the Police Station felt like a grueling greenhouse. So with my sore headache from the stress accompanied by the heat had set off another button inside of me, making me agitated and ready to lash out as I tried to calm myself down.
"So, are you going to catch them, Officer?" I heard Abigail question, whilst I finished up my phone call.
"There are a whole lot more important things in the world then some phone, ma'am but we'll do what we can." He replied coldly and in an unbothered tone wanting the three of us to leave already since we interrupted his lunch. I began to make my way over to the others, rubbing my forehead softly whilst the headache grew, even some white noise was heard buzzing in my ears.
I understood he was trying to do his job, yet I knew from my aching heart there was no hope finding my phone back so I might as well begin searching for a new phone. The only problem I had was that I forgotten Jotaro's phone number off by heart due duration of time we've been separated from each other. Not even Jolyne had his phone number saved on her phone because of her hatred towards her own father.
"Thank you, Officer. You're doing the best you can, we'll be off on our own way." Markus replied, as he took his wife's hand and gestured for us to leave because he could already tell his wife was about to blow up and argue some more. I followed behind them, instinctively moving to my pocket to grab my phone until I stupidly realised it got stolen. I was a disarrayed mess.
We walked out the building, a bit on edge from the whole incident, my mind still blank from shock to even have my own phone stolen since I was normally careful about these types of things. I didn't exactly believe my phone was my sacred property, yet it was still such a functional part of my life and without a chance to contact Jotaro, what was I meant to do?
Markus soon interrupted me in my trail of thought. "[Y/N], I wouldn't worry too much about it. The Police are in search for your phone and I'm sure they'll eventually find it. Who knows, they might go on a case to find drug usage in a household and find what they're looking for along with your phone. They did seem like the type of people as well to uhm..." Markus paused before I nodded getting the idea that these kids were the type to cause mayhem and do more crimes than just theft.
"If the god damn Police did their job more often, then I'm sure that none of this would've happened! If they kept more of a watch on people-" Abigail spoke but was soon interrupted by Markus' comforting hand rubbing her shoulder as a sign to tell her she needed to calm down. "Ah, sorry, honey. I'm just frustrated. They're always like that and say 'we'll do what we can' and soon forget about it as a whole!"
I chuckled at her words, nodding in agreeance. "Yeah, well, I suppose life can be tricky like that. I mean, it's just a phone. I'll buy a new one if I have any wages left once I pay the whole cost on Jolyne's hospital bills." I smile sadly, still thinking about my Jolyne stuck in a Hospital bed. However, I was glad she wasn't the one being robbed and rather it was me.
Abigail smiled sweetly and me and speaking in a tender voice "Of course, [Y/N]. Just remember we're here to support you fully with your problems and if you need money-"
I violently shook my head and cut her off. "No, no, god... I don't need money! Don't worry about that, I promise you I'm alright when it comes to wages. There's still the child support after the whole divorce and I'm sure I'll be able to get it sorted without a problem." I chuckle softly afterwards, feeling horrible if I let someone give me money with my own problems. The issue with working as a teacher was that it didn't include a high salary, so it was difficult to stable my life as a single mother with the cost of living rising up.
"If you say so..." Abigail gave me a short smile, as she patted my arm as an encouragement that it'll be alright and I don't need to worry about a thing. "Well- I'm sorry to cut this short especially after everything happened but me and Markus just need to go out to a restaurant we booked. I'm so sorry once again, and I hope you'll soon have a turn of luck."
Markus soon added onto Abigail's comment. "You're a strong woman [Y/N], you'll get through it."
I nodded back with a smile to them as I thanked them for being divine people in my life as they began to walk away towards the setting sun in the distance, back into their own happy lives. They had a wonderful relationship, and it may have its ups and downs but they communicated with each other their problems and they managed to make it work. Something that I wish Jotaro and I did long ago, before he ruined it for me. Though, I moved on and I had to have a new mindset for when Jotaro came to visit... if I can even make try and make that possible somehow now that my phone was stolen.
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"Just email him." Terrence, my co-worker spoke to me, whilst we both were on our smoking break. I flicked the butt of the cigarette as the ashes swayed down onto the ground below us. The cigarette sat on my two fingers with ease, as I ever so often twirled it around. "What's the worse that will happen, silly girl."
"Anything. He'll get mad at me about the fact that I lost my phone and that he'll have to go through the fact on having to change my phone number on his phone and even our documentations on our divorce details. I don't know." I sighed softly, blowing the wispy grey smoke from my dry mouth, before I took another depressing drag damaging my lungs even more.
Terrence, turned back to me to give me a look to show how illogical I'm thinking to the extreme level. "You're overthinking it, [Y/N]. He married you before, so he loved you and I'm sure that he wouldn't overreact like that to you."
I chuckled softly, shaking my head. "Oh, Terrence, you don't know how he can be. If it's happened before in the past with other things, I'm sure it'll happen again." I spoke with a soft tone, trying to hide my emotions but I was quite grief-stricken, and didn't want to involve myself in any more arguments with him.
I felt a hand go to my shoulder, as Terrence gave me that subtle reaffirming shoulder hold to know that it's fine. I looked back over up at him, giving him a sweet smile in return for his sweeter one. It was silent for a while, as we thought and smoked whilst the hot wind blew in our faces, listening to the chaotic sounds of the school children from behind us in the parking lots having their own illegal smoke break away from the teachers.
"Right." Terrence dropped the leftover cigarette to the ground, stepping on it immediately after as the smoke breathed it's last breath. "I've got to teach a class in 5 minutes, so I'll catch you later [Y/N]." He gave me a pat on my shoulder as I nodded and waved before he walked off. Though soon after he turned back to me causing me to raise my eyebrow. "By the way, good luck for tomorrow. I'm sure he'll be fine with you though, as he should as a god damn gentleman!" He made a small gesture by crossing his fingers before laughing and waving away at me as he went back to strolling towards his class.
Tomorrow was the day when Jotaro finally flies in from Canada to Florida, to finally meet his daughter after being 'so busy with his own work'. I wasn't slightly worried... I was immensely worried, hoping that this won't result in another huge argument and that Jolyne will be able to get along with her own father without having another disagreement.
With one final groan, I dropped my own cigarette stepping on it, gathering my thoughts and emotions and headed towards my car, turning the ignition on and heading back home.
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First and foremost, I want to massively apologise on my behalf for being incredibly inactive on Wattpad with my story.
Usually when I write a story, I write it because I have an immense passion towards the fandom and as well I love the character. But honestly, I'm losing interest in Jotaro and finding myself new interests with different shows/games. Haha. But I will make sure to continue with this out of my love of writing stories and smut especially.

Estranged | Jotaro x Reader
RomanceA sequel of the story, 'Married Lovers'. ✩ After your unexpected divorce with Jotaro Kujo, you take care of Jolyne ensuring she stays out of trouble. However, after she gets herself involved in dangerous activities, you find yourself having to call...