Forbidden Love
Chapter Twelve
The stars came out once more and the Lunar Princess was relieved that this year had been different. She was thankful that her sister had suddenly become remorseful, yet she could not help but ponder upon the strange and sudden change that had befallen the Solar Princess.
She felt empty as her mind replayed the moment in which she had rejected Celestia's repentance.
That broken look…
Celestia...deserves the pain. I know that she has more than earned it for her treatment of me… she does not deserve my forgiveness. I can't forgive her, and I shan't. Unless of course, she has some sort of condition which is forcing her to act this way, unwillingly, but the chance of that is one in a thousand.
A knock sounded on her door and she opened it cautiously to see Shadowlance.
He crept in and inquired, "You're not hurt, are you? I mean, she didn't do anything to you, did she? "
Luna simply smiled and shook her head. "No, she did not harm Us. "
" Yes." Luna's smile dropped and was replaced by a frown as she said, "This behaviour of hers strikes Us as most odd indeed. On this day, she suddenly became remorseful, begging Us to forgive her. "
"That's strange…"
" Rest assured for We did not fall into her trap. Surely it is a trap. Despite the fact that she sounded- that her sorrow sounded genuine, I cannot afford to be tricked. "
Shadowlance had tried many times before to interfere with the elder Princesses' plans for the one whom he guarded, but she had grown increasingly violent towards him...once even threatening to kill him.
The guard had known that he would be of more use to his Princess alive rather than dead, but even so, he could not bear to see her suffer like that.
...Which was why every year, on the night before Luna's birthday, Celestia would have the vampire chained up and only let go after.
This year, the same thing had happened to him, except the Solar guards did it automatically rather than waiting for the order.
It was all very strange.
"But the anguish on her face threatened to tear me apart. It hurt me to act so cold towards her, despite how much pain she caused me… Is there something wrong with me, Shadowlance? Is that why I felt her sorrow?"
"No Luna… that only shows that you're a human. That you have a heart, and you're capable of feeling...unlike her."
Luna did not reply.
Her companion eventually broke the silence. "I think it would be best if we just went somewhere tonight. You never know if she might give up her act, if it really is one, and besides, I want to give you a happy birthday for once. And before you say that it's not necessary for me to treat you, to me, it's totally necessary."
By the time the evening wore away, they found themselves in the Crystal Empire.
Canterlot was too risky, and it was unlikely that anyone would be awake, so the Empire was the next option.
"...You seem to be quiet tonight," said Luna.
"We need to keep a low profile, " he whispers in response.
"Why? I'm sure we're safe here. "
"Yes, we're safe, but -"
"Ah, Luna! Why, I missed you so much that I could barely think of anything other than our next meeting!"
Shadowlance curses under his breath as out of nowhere, Sombra appears and kisses Luna's hand.
"Hello Sombra. How have you been?"
"Absolutely perfect, darling…" winks Sombra, to which Luna raises an eyebrow, and Shadowlance slightly clenches his fist. "Fine, it's actually been a very busy week for me, and the nobles are just getting...very irritating. My paperwork is piling up to the ceiling! Though, I'll be fine. And how about you? "
"I suppose it hasn't been too bad lately. It's...better than before, thanks to you and Shadowlance. "
Sombra nods, and then turns to the still cursing Shadowlance. "You do realise that I can hear you cursing, right? Is my very presence actually that distressing? "
Shadowlance's cheeks turn red and he turns his head to the side to avoid the King's gaze. "It's not your presence… It's just that someone may or may not have wanted to spend some alone time with their Princess. "
Sombra holds Shadowlance's arm and whispers into his ear, "And yet you had to come all the way to my Empire to get that 'alone time '?"
" It's...complicated. I don't want to risk being in Canterlot. Manehattan isn't an option either. And all the other cities are...not pleasant. "
"So you like my Empire? I'll take that as a compliment. But I must confess, I also wished to spend some 'alone time' with Luna, " Sombra says, smiling.
"Well, I'm the one who originally planned to do so," argues Shadowlance .
" But you get to guard her all night! Do you not spend time with her when you do so? "
"I spend time with her door."
"But that is still close to her, is it not?"
"We can take turns spending time with her, if it's that big of a deal."
" So you're suggesting that we share her? Luna isn't a chocolate, you know. She's a human," says Shadowlance in mock offence.
"I am aware of that fact. But our argument shan't be resolved unless we find a suitable solution. And that is the only solution I can think of. "
Luna waves at the two. "Are you done whispering? I must confess that if anyone walked past, they would imagine you two were dating, what with the way you're whispering into each other's ears continuously. Perhaps they'd think you're a new couple..."
This causes both of them to blush in embarrassment, and Shadowlance skids across the snow to Luna, wrapping his arm around her possessively.
"As her best friend, and the person who's known her for longer, I should take her out first."
Sombra chuckles. "I suppose I can't deny you that. Your logic is sound, after all. Fine, you shall have the privilege - the honour of taking her first."
Author's Note:
...I needed to start the actual love triangle somewhere...
The part where Shadowlance says that Luna's not a chocolate? It's inspired by one of the many times I flirted with my classmates, and one just sort of played along as she and the girl I was flirting with were kind of close... They were apparently "married", and I suggested that she and I could share the girl, and she said that exact thing.
Though we mostly wrote. I'd have taken a picture of what she wrote, but I'm too lazy to find that paper now. Maybe next chapter. Lol
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Forbidden Love
RomanceKing Sombra goes to Canterlot. Princess Luna fills her thoughts with him. Celestia hates Sombra due to being embarrassed in front of him and because he paid more attention to Luna. But if Luna fell in love with Sombra... What would happen if Celesti...