On a day at school, Ocellus Sandbar Gallus Silverstream and Yona are waiting outside meanwhile Smolder is in detention. And then she got out early for good behavior.
Smolder:"About time I got out of detention."
Yona:"Detention bad for dragon!"
Sandbar:"But Smolder professor Twilight had the right to do so. After all you planted a giant water balloon at her classroom."
Ocellus:"Pranks like that can be against school policy." While the young six are walking. A husky came out of nowhere and sees the every creature in pony school. The mane 6 sees him coming. So the young six saw him and meeting him.
Gallus:"I'm Gallus."
Ocellus:"I'm Ocellus."
Yona:"Yona is Yona."
Silverstream:"I'm Silverstream."
Sandbar:"I'm Sandbar."
Smolder:"And I'm Smolder."
Steven:"Whoa. Cool creatures. I'm Steven."
Silverstream:"He's cute! Can we keep him?!" When Steve sees Smolder he's got feelings for her. Unfortunately for Smolder, she's just not sure about him having feelings for her.
Gallus:"Excuse us for a bit please." Gallus took Smolder with him at the other side of recess to have a talk.
Smolder:"Hey what are you doing?!"
Gallus:"What am I doing?! What are you doing?! He's got feelings for you but you trying reject him!"
Smolder:"Says you. If that doesn't count for a dog having a crush on me! Maybe he should've had for a stupid griffin like you! After all I could consider you being one!" When Smolder called him that, he started to growl like a lion.
Smolder:"Yeah but still that can't just be........"
Gallus:"Would you at least be gentle with our new adopted friend?!" (Roars)
Smolder is losing her balance when Gallus roared at her and scaring her from that.
Gallus:"Don't make me say it twice! Now you listen to me sister, may be a lot things. Like a friend, a little thief, an orphan, and perhaps a helper. But there is one thing I definitely know I'm not who you think I am, and that is a stupid griffin!" (Roaring)
Young six spinoff book series
RandomThe Young Six are a group of 6 teenagers of different races that serve as both supporting protagonists and students at Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship in the eighth and ninth seasons of the animated television show My Little Pony: Friendship...