Follow The Leader

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I blame Mia and Oliver Davis for all this, Elliott wants to get married and start a family. Mom and dad agree with him on this and so does Ethan who has already given them a daughter in law and now they have a grandson. Jennifer is not my favorite people and she knows why. She thinks women in the military are all gay. I told her she really doesn't know because she doesn't know all of them so saying stupid things like that shows how stupid she really is. I told her that she might want to stop making blanket statements like that in public. I am sure mom and dad thought she could do some damage if she says things like that at dinner parties or charity events. I said that to Ethan and he said he was trying to get her to think before speaking. Sadly he lives her and he doesn't want to hurt her feelings, but he found out that no one wants to be around her and her bigotry. Where he found this woman us beyond me.

I finally get her to say yes to getting married. I have the rings and the one she lived in the jewelers window. I found out her ring size and have had them since Mia got engaged. I am going to sweep her off her feet. I planned a romantic dinner at her favorite restaurant and will use Christian's private area to eat. I call Christian and he has the place get the area ready and I give him the list of things I want and he makes a few recommendations to me and says it's on him and wishes me good luck. He knows about stubborn women. But he was the one who was wrong and it took him a long time to see that.

This place is great and we are in Christian's private area. Elliott says everything has been preordered and will be delivered shortly. I am not sure how this came about or why, but I definitely like the food here. The food is everything I like and the wine is great. The desert looks odd though. Well mine does and I try to switch them, but Elliott has me open up mine and inside it is a little box. I open it up and it has the engagement ring that I loved in the jewelry stores window. Elliott gets down on one knee and asks me to marry him. This was the most romantic gesture he has ever done and he caught me at the right time. I agree to marry him. He pulls me into his arms and kisses me. We of course eat the deserts and are on our way home to celebrate our engagement. I have a date in mind for our wedding already. A New Year's Eve wedding.

Who knew that all the Grey children would become engaged and marry military personnel. It all started when Ray Steele need surgery on his heart and Seattle was the closest to where they were at and the best in the area was mom's hospital. Anastasia flew her helicopter onto the helipad to get her father treated. It's something like Christian might do for us. Mom, Mia, Anastasia, Enid Kavanagh are all weighing in on the wedding and has tried to change Kate's ideal date for our wedding. I stand by her request to have it exactly the time and date, the place however is trickier. We finally decide to have it at Christian's penthouse outside and the reception will be inside. Kate begged him to please let us. He has talked to Jason about the security situation and they have agreed to bring the guests up in the freight elevator with security escorting identified guest to the event. Gail has help from Mia's catering company and everyone of them have been working for her for years. All private areas will be off limits unless it's bathroom related. Security will be everywhere that night. Cabs are going to be getting drunken guests home. The balconies will have walls up to prevent anyone from going over them. After the ceremony they will be locked and alarms turned on to prevent people from opening them up. So we have place, date and time. Now the wedding attire and flowers, wedding cake is still being decided upon. The food is also being decided upon. The penthouse looks like a banquet hall already. Gail is going crazy because people are in her kitchen.

We finally get the officiant for the wedding and everything is ready to go. We are staying in the penthouse, the women are at least the night before. Christian had people brought in to get us all ready for the wedding. Nails, hair and make up. Spa treatment services for all of us women. This is done in the apartment below Christian's and Anastasia's. We are finally married at exactly midnight they announce us as man and wife. The ceremony was beautiful and the reception was great. Our wedding photos were perfection. Christian said he won't be allowing his penthouse to be used like it was this time. It was put back to perfection the next two days. Gail was very upset at what guest did to her kitchen. So much so Christian allowed her to have it remodeled and of her own choosing. She definitely outdid herself in what she wanted and  it was amazing.

Our honeymoon was great and we were flown to New York and stayed at Christian's house for three weeks. It was a great honeymoon and we had a lot of fun. Kate's parents stayed in Seattle and they came back to New York and we had dinner at their place before we left for Seattle. They really wanted to see Christian's house but I was given very strict rules about not having people come over to his house. Security made sure they weren't allowed up here at all. The Kavanagh family was mad but I prefer them angry than Christian. If I want to use his homes I have to follow his rules while using them.

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